September 30, 2016
Kaiser Gypsum Company, Inc.
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
- Adelman & Gettleman
- Allen Matkins
- Anderson Kill
- Blank Rome
- Brayton Purcell
- Caplin & Drysdale
- Clyde & Co
- Crowell & Moring
- David Christian Attorneys LLC
- Davis Wright Tremaine
- Duane Morris
- Foran Glennon
- Gibson Dunn
- Goldberg Segalla
- Grier Wright
- Hamilton Stephens Steele & Martin
- Harris Beach PLLC
- Higgins & Owens
- Ifrah Law
- James McElroy & Diehl
- Johnston Allison
- Jones Day
- Kazan McClain
- Keller Fishback
- Klehr Harrison
- K&L Gates
- Lathrop GPM
- Levene Neale
- Lewis Brisbois
- Lindsay Hart
- Maynard Nexsen
- McGuireWoods
- Miller Nash LLP
- Montgomery McCracken
- Moore & Van Allen
- Northen Blue
- Pachulski Stang
- Parker Poe
- Perkins Coie
- Poyner Spruill
- Rayburn Cooper
- Robinson & Cole
- Selman Leichenger
- Shipman & Goodwin
- Shumaker Loop
- Skarzynski Marick
- Snell & Wilmer
- Steptoe LLP
- Stutzman Bromberg
- Troutman
- Veris Law Group
- Wallace & Graham
- Whelehan Law Firm
- Williams Mullen
- WilmerHale
- Windels Marx
- Womble Bond
- Young Conaway
- Allianz SE
- Alvarez & Marsal Holdings LLC
- American International Group Inc.
- Ankura Consulting Group LLC
- Armstrong World Industries Inc.
- Ash Grove Cement Co.
- Ford Motor Co.
- Granite State Insurance Co.
- Lexington Insurance Co.
- NERA Economic Consulting Inc.
- Owens Corning Corp.
- PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
- The Boeing Co.
- The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc.
Government Agencies
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
March 18, 2025
Kaiser Insurer Says Ch. 11 Plan Doesn't Protect Against Fraud
Truck Insurance Exchanged told a panel of Fourth Circuit judges Tuesday that the confirmed Chapter 11 plan of Kaiser Gypsum Co. should be overturned as a bad faith filing because it doesn't impose simple measures to prevent asbestos injury claim fraud.
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