November 26, 2018
Appvion Inc Retirement Savings and Employee Stock Ownership Plan v. Richards et al
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
- Amundsen Davis
- Bryan Cave
- Clausen Miller
- Gilbert Blilie
- Goodwin Procter
- Groom Law Group
- Holland & Knight
- Jenner & Block
- Keating Muething
- McDermott Will & Emery
- Menn Law Firm
- Previant Law Firm
- Richman & Richman
- Sidley Austin
- Steinhilber Swanson
- Thompson Coburn
- von Briesen & Roper
- Willkie Farr
- Houlihan Lokey Inc.
- Reliance Trust Co.
- State Street Global Advisors Inc.
- Stout Risius Ross LLC
- Willamette Management Associates Inc.
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
January 31, 2025
State Street Must Face Suit Over Paper Co.'s ESOP Valuation
State Street Bank can't escape a suit claiming it allowed executives at a defunct paper company to sell overpriced shares to an employee stock ownership plan, a Wisconsin federal judge ruled, rejecting the firm's assertion that its stock valuation didn't cause any harm.
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