Truck Insurance Exchange v. Kaiser Gypsum Company, Inc.
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
March 18, 2025
Kaiser Insurer Says Ch. 11 Plan Doesn't Protect Against Fraud
Truck Insurance Exchanged told a panel of Fourth Circuit judges Tuesday that the confirmed Chapter 11 plan of Kaiser Gypsum Co. should be overturned as a bad faith filing because it doesn't impose simple measures to prevent asbestos injury claim fraud.
October 11, 2024
Asbestos Claimants Say Kaiser Ch. 11 Plan Should Stand
Asbestos injury claimants in Kaiser Gypsum Co.'s bankruptcy case have asked the Fourth Circuit to uphold the company's Chapter 11 plan, saying the arguments against it by Kaiser's primary insurer are based on speculative harms.
February 14, 2023
4th Circ. Says Insurer Can't Object To Ch. 11 Asbestos Trust
The primary insurer for Kaiser Gypsum Co. Inc. is not a "party in interest" to the company's Chapter 11 reorganization plan that established a trust for asbestos claims and, therefore, lacks standing to object to the plan, the Fourth Circuit said Tuesday, affirming a North Carolina federal court's holding.