1. September 21, 2018

    Armstrong Doping Whistleblower Appeals Denial of Damages

    The whistleblower who started a successful False Claims Act suit against cyclist Lance Armstrong's former team said Friday he will appeal the D.C. district court's decision to deny him $32 million in damages for his part in exposing the alleged fraud.

  2. August 22, 2018

    Gov't Wins $1.6M As Cycling Doping Row Crosses Finish Line

    A D.C. federal judge on Wednesday awarded the U.S. government a $1.6 million default judgment against Lance Armstrong's former cycling teammate Johan Bruyneel and his team, Tailwind, marking the end of a False Claims Act suit alleging the team unlawfully accepted more than $32 million in government sponsorship money.

  3. July 03, 2018

    Landis Pushes For Big Judgment In Armstrong FCA Case

    Former cyclist Floyd Landis asked a federal court on Monday to enter a large default judgment against Lance Armstrong's former cycling team, saying it accepted more than $32 million of government sponsorship money in exchange for publicity that turned out to be worthless following Armstrong's doping revelations.

  4. April 19, 2018

    Lance Armstrong Pays $5M To Settle USPS Fraud Case

    Disgraced U.S. cyclist Lance Armstrong said Thursday he has agreed to a $5 million settlement to end the long-running False Claims Act lawsuit by his former cycling teammate Floyd Landis and the U.S. Postal Service alleging he had defrauded the government by collecting millions of dollars while lying about doping.

  5. January 01, 2018

    Trials To Watch In 2018

    Trial mavens will have plenty of drama to catch in 2018, from heavyweight technology disputes between Apple and Samsung and Waymo and Uber to the federal government’s unique False Claims Act suit seeking to recoup millions of dollars in sponsorship money from disgraced cycling star Lance Armstrong.

  6. November 29, 2017

    Testimony Limited In Lance Armstrong Doping FCA Suit

    A D.C. federal judge on Tuesday limited the testimony of several experts in the U.S. Postal Service's False Claims Act suit against former cyclist Lance Armstrong, saying experts can't claim the postal service received no benefits from the sponsorship as a result of doping allegations or speculate on USPS' knowledge of the scheme.

  7. March 01, 2017

    Landis Wants Appeal Over Liability Ahead Of Armstrong Trial

    Former cyclist Floyd Landis on Tuesday asked a D.C. federal court to allow him to appeal rulings in his False Claims Act lawsuit against his former cycling teammate Lance Armstrong that will limit the possible damages against Armstrong's former agents as a case moves toward trial later this year.

  8. February 17, 2017

    FCA Decision Tracker: Continued Interpretations Of Escobar

    The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Universal Health Services v. Escobar continues to affect a range of False Claims Act cases. In the third installment of an ongoing series, Law360 looks at the latest court rulings to interpret the blockbuster decision.

  9. February 13, 2017

    Lance Armstrong Can't Outrace USPS FCA Suit

    Disgraced cycling star Lance Armstrong will have to face a False Claims Act lawsuit over the millions he received from the U.S. Postal Service while lying about doping, a D.C. federal judge said Monday, but prosecutors will have to prove the government lost more than it gained from its sponsorship. 

  10. August 30, 2016

    Armstrong Says USPS Can't Prove Harm From Sponsorship

    Disgraced cycling star Lance Armstrong on Monday said the U.S. Postal Service actually benefited from its sponsorship of his cycling team as he and the government push for a ruling in the long-running False Claims Act suit over the millions of dollars paid to sponsor the team while Armstrong lied about his use of performance-enhancing drugs.