Southcentral Foundation v. Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium

  1. July 09, 2024

    Judge Says Alaska Tribal Healthcare Provider Can Access Info

    TheĀ Alaska Native Tribal Health ConsortiumĀ can't limit one of its member's governance and participation rights in seeking legally privileged information involving sexual misconduct allegations against the consortium's former president, a federal judge has said, while also enforcing a previous judgment that allows access to some of the group's documents.

  2. September 08, 2023

    Alaska Native Org. Seeks Confirmation Of Info-Sharing Ruling

    The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and a member health care organization have revived a court battle over the sharing of confidential information between the two entities, with the consortium on Thursday urging an Alaska federal judge to preserve its motion to enforce a prior court judgment.

  3. July 22, 2022

    Alaska Native Org. Can Access Health Consortium Docs

    An Alaska federal judge has ruled that an Alaska Native health care foundation should have access to legally privileged information from a consortium it belongs to, but stopped short of forcing the consortium to reach a sharing agreement or allowing the foundation's representative to decide what information it should receive.