City Of Rockford v. Mallinckrodt ARD, Inc., et al

  1. October 18, 2022

    Express Scripts Says Classes 'Riddled' With Uninjured Buyers

    Express Scripts has challenged what it says is a "sweeping" bid for class certification of direct and indirect purchasers of Mallinckrodt's anti-seizure drug in antitrust litigation, saying the proposed classes are full of members who could not have possibly been harmed by the conspiracy they allege.

  2. October 04, 2022

    Ill. Judge Holds Sanction Bid Over Express Scripts' Doc Dump

    An Illinois federal judge on Tuesday shelved a city's bid to sanction Express Scripts for its late discovery of relevant evidence for antitrust litigation targeting Mallinckrodt's anti-seizure drug Acthar, but she called the development "unsettling" and gave the company until Monday to produce the evidence.

  3. September 28, 2022

    Ill. City Says It Was 'Kicked' By Express Scripts' Doc Dump

    The city of Rockford, Illinois, argued Tuesday that Express Scripts should be sanctioned over its late production of "a whole tranche" of documents from a crucial six-year period in its federal antitrust suit over allegedly inflated prices of Mallinckrodt's anti-seizure drug Acthar.

  4. April 27, 2022

    Express Scripts Wants Departing Attys To Aid Acthar Dispute

    Local counsel for Rockford, Illinois, shouldn't be allowed to exit the city's antitrust suit over Mallinckrodt's anti-seizure drug Acthar because they're the only ones who can address some outlying discovery disputes in the case, Express Scripts argued Tuesday.

  5. May 27, 2021

    Judge Questions Bid To Move Acthar Cases To Delaware

    A member of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation on Thursday questioned Mallinckrodt ARD LLC's push to have a battery of antitrust cases over sales of the anti-seizure drug Acthar transferred to federal court in Delaware where the company is currently making its way through bankruptcy proceedings.

  6. March 15, 2021

    Ill. City Wants Acthar Cases In MDL, Out Of Bankruptcy

    The city of Rockford, Illinois, has urged a federal court to hold off ruling on Mallinckrodt's bid to transfer its case involving the drugmaker's hormone treatment Acthar to the Delaware court overseeing the company's bankruptcy, saying the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation should first rule on a consolidation request.

  7. January 28, 2021

    Mallinckrodt Seeks To Move Acthar Cases To Delaware

    Mallinckrodt has urged federal courts around the country to transfer cases involving the drugmaker's hormone treatment Acthar that make claims for antitrust, racketeering and other violations to the Delaware court overseeing its bankruptcy.

  8. November 24, 2020

    Mallinckrodt Ch. 11 Pauses Express Scripts Antitrust Claims

    The court overseeing Mallinckrodt's bankruptcy proceedings has paused the city of Rockford, Illinois' separate antitrust case against Express Scripts for allegedly working with the troubled drug company to inflate prices of the hormone treatment Acthar.

  9. November 18, 2020

    Ill. City Says Mallinckrodt Ch. 11 Can't Halt Antitrust Claims

    The city of Rockford, Illinois, told a federal court Tuesday that Mallinckrodt's bankruptcy should have no impact on the prosecution of claims against Express Scripts for allegedly working with the troubled drug company to inflate prices of the hormone treatment Acthar.

  10. August 20, 2020

    Consultant Says Express Scripts 'Fabricating' Subpoena Fight

    A consultant for the city of Rockford, Illinois, has told a federal court in the state that Express Scripts Inc. fabricated a dispute over document requests as a pretense for canceling scheduled depositions in a proposed class action over the price of hormone treatment Acthar.