Verna Clarke, et al v. AMN Services, LLC

  1. May 14, 2021

    Clinician Staffing Co. To Take OT Math Case To Supreme Court

    A health care staffing company plans to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to review a Ninth Circuit ruling that it must factor per diem payments into overtime calculations for traveling clinicians, the company said in an appellate court filing.

  2. May 07, 2021

    Full 9th Circ. Won't Reconsider Clinicians' OT Win

    The full Ninth Circuit won't reconsider a panel ruling that a health care staffing company must include traveling clinicians' per diem benefits in overtime calculations, the court said Friday, setting up the case to return to district court for a win in favor of the clinicians.

  3. March 09, 2021

    Health Care Co. Wants Clinicians' OT Win Reheard By 9th Circ.

    The Ninth Circuit should reconsider a panel ruling that a health care staffing company must include traveling clinicians' per diem benefits in overtime calculations, the company argued, saying the ruling conflicted with court precedent and could significantly affect the health care staffing industry.

  4. February 09, 2021

    9th Circ. Says Clinicians' Travel Benefits Count Toward OT

    A health care company's per diem benefits paid to traveling clinicians count toward overtime calculations because the company considers the payments wages for other staff members, the Ninth Circuit said in reversing a lower court's ruling in an overtime suit by two certified classes.