In re: Intel Corporation
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December 23, 2020
Fed. Circ. Faults Albright For Moving Intel Trial To Waco
The Federal Circuit ruled Wednesday that Texas federal Judge Alan Albright was wrong to move a January patent trial against Intel from a city where in-person trials are halted due to the pandemic to one where they're still being held.
December 18, 2020
My Wife Has Better Pandemic Intel Than Intel, Albright Says
Before rejecting Intel's latest efforts to delay an in-person patent trial set for Jan. 11, Texas federal Judge Alan Albright let a lawyer for Intel know that he was getting better information about the local spread of the COVID-19 pandemic from his wife, who works at a Waco hospital's intensive care unit.
December 03, 2020
Intel Asks Federal Circ. To Nix WDTX Judge's IP Trial Transfer
Intel urged the Federal Circuit on Wednesday to stop a Texas federal judge from retransferring an in-person patent trial from Austin back to Waco, saying the judge is trying to rush the case while courthouses around the country are closing their doors to jury trials as the pandemic worsens.