Beldock et al v. Microsoft Corporation et al

  1. November 20, 2023

    Wave Of ERISA Suits Over BlackRock Funds Hit Hurdles

    A recent crop of Employee Retirement Income Security Act suits from ex-workers challenging the decision to retain certain BlackRock investment options in their 401(k)s have stumbled in federal court.

  2. April 24, 2023

    Microsoft Gets 401(k) Investment Picks Suit Tossed For Good

    A Washington federal judge on Monday once again threw out a proposed class action accusing Microsoft of mismanaging an employee 401(k) plan, saying the suit still falls short of showing the company breached its fiduciary duties despite added metrics indicating some investments didn't do well.

  3. February 08, 2023

    Microsoft Escapes 401(k) Lineup Suit, For Now

    A Washington federal judge tossed a benefits lawsuit against Microsoft from former workers who alleged mismanagement of their 401(k) plan, finding the workers didn't make specific enough claims regarding the performance of a suite of BlackRock funds that the company made the default investment option.

  4. January 30, 2023

    Prepare Amended Suit, Judge Tells Microsoft 401(k) Plaintiffs

    A Washington federal judge on Monday told an attorney for former Microsoft workers alleging their retirement plan included subpar options that it would be wise to start working on an amended complaint.

  5. January 02, 2023

    5 ERISA Cases To Keep An Eye On In 2023

    Appeals courts will get to decide whether arbitration agreements can nullify workers’ ability to sue on behalf of their retirement plan, and what it takes for a lawsuit claiming retirees lost savings due to excessive plan fees to survive a dismissal bid. Here are five Employee Retirement Income Security Act cases attorneys should watch in the New Year.

  6. November 07, 2022

    US Chamber Supports Tossing 401(k) Suit Against Microsoft

    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Monday threw its weight behind Microsoft's request to toss a proposed class action accusing the software company of mismanaging its 401(k) plan, saying the suit was attempting to create nonexistent issues with the plan.

  7. October 31, 2022

    Microsoft Tries To Shake Lawsuit Over 401(k) Lineup

    Microsoft urged a Washington federal judge to spike a proposed class action brought by former workers who say the tech giant cost employees millions by including subpar options in its retirement plan lineup, saying the challenged investments actually perform well.

  8. August 26, 2022

    6 New ERISA Retirement Plan Suits To Watch

    Proposed class actions challenging the performance of a suite of BlackRock target date funds in huge company 401(k) plans stand out from a healthy crop of Employee Retirement Income Security Act lawsuits filed this summer. Law360 reviews six new ERISA class actions.

  9. August 03, 2022

    Microsoft Invested Workers' 401(k)s In Inferior Fund, Suit Says

    Microsoft violated federal law by including a poorly performing investment fund in its 401(k) lineup for workers to choose from, causing employees to miss out on millions of dollars in their retirement savings, according to a proposed class action filed in Washington federal court.