Alex Coatney, et al v. DNA, LLC

  1. February 15, 2024

    7th Circ. Rejects's Arbitration Bid In Privacy Suit

    The Seventh Circuit on Thursday upheld a lower court's decision that minors suing for sharing their genetic testing information can avoid arbitration, saying there was no language in the terms their parents signed designating the children as parties to the agreement.

  2. December 06, 2023

    7th Circ. Searches For Guidance Over Terms

    A Seventh Circuit judge found little help Wednesday from both and minors suing the company for sharing their genetic testing information, as he searched for cases to back up a trial court ruling letting the plaintiffs avoid an arbitration clause their parents signed. 

  3. June 21, 2023 Tells 7th Circ. Privacy Claims Must Be Arbitrated told the Seventh Circuit that an Illinois federal judge made the wrong call in refusing to send to arbitration claims that the genealogy company illegally shared minors' genetic testing information with third parties.