State of Washington, et al v. FDA, et al

  1. July 24, 2024

    GOP States Still Can't Intervene In Wash. Abortion Pill Suit

    The Ninth Circuit rejected a bid by Idaho and other Republican-led states to intervene in Washington's lawsuit seeking to expand access to the abortion pill mifepristone, ruling Wednesday the states lacked standing and only speculated about how they were injured.

  2. March 13, 2024

    9th Circ. Unsure If Abortion Pill Suit Harms Red States

    Two Ninth Circuit judges on Wednesday challenged Idaho and other Republican-led states' bid to intervene in Washington's lawsuit seeking to expand access to the abortion pill mifepristone, asking if the states could back up their claims of economic harm.

  3. March 01, 2024

    4 Argument Sessions Benefits Attys Should Watch In March

    The Biden administration will urge the Fifth Circuit to preserve preventive services requirements in the Affordable Care Act, the Eighth Circuit will dive into an insurer's payment practices, and the Eleventh Circuit will hear Home Depot workers' bid to revive their 401(k) suit.