Taylor Lohmeyer Law Firm P.L.L v. USA

  1. December 15, 2020

    5th Circ. Denies Law Firm Another Go In IRS Summons Battle

    Taylor Lohmeyer Law Firm PLLC will not get a second chance to argue that attorney-client privilege protects the identity of clients from an Internal Revenue Service summons after a divided Fifth Circuit rejected its petition for a hearing en banc.

  2. July 30, 2020

    Firm Tells 5th Circ. Gov't Misunderstands Privilege Argument

    The federal government is mistaken in arguing that documents identifying a law firm's clients aren't protected by attorney-client privilege unless the documents directly link the client to committing a crime, a law firm told the Fifth Circuit on Thursday.

  3. July 21, 2020

    US Tells 5th Circ. Rehearing Not Needed In IRS Summons Battle

    The full Fifth Circuit shouldn't reconsider its decision to affirm an Internal Revenue Service summons for the client list of a law firm suspected of helping facilitate tax evasion because that information isn't privileged, the U.S. government told the court.

  4. July 10, 2020

    5 Federal Tax Cases To Watch In The 2nd Half Of 2020

    In the remainder of the year, federal courts will examine several administrative law challenges to tax regulations along with questions of whether preventing some taxpaying Americans from receiving COVID-19 stimulus checks violates constitutional law and how attorney-client privilege extends to law firm client lists. Here, Law360 looks at five federal tax cases to watch in the second half of 2020.

  5. June 16, 2020

    5th Circ. Erred, Tax Client Names Privileged, Group Says

    A Fifth Circuit ruling that names of a law firm's clients, whom the IRS suspects of hiding taxable income outside the U.S., aren't privileged must be reviewed by the entire bench, an organization representing criminal defense lawyers told the court.

  6. June 09, 2020

    Tax Firm Asks 5th Circ. To Reconsider OK Of IRS Summons

    A Fifth Circuit panel's finding that identities of a tax firm's clients sought in a John Doe summons are not privileged conflicts with other circuit court decisions and must be reheard by the entire court, the firm told the court.

  7. April 24, 2020

    5th Circ. Backs IRS Summons To Obtain Law Firm's Client List

    The Fifth Circuit on Friday affirmed an Internal Revenue Service summons for the client list of a law firm suspected of helping facilitate tax evasion, saying the agency's request did not violate attorney-client privilege.

  8. November 13, 2019

    IRS Summons Violates Atty-Client Privilege, 5th Circ. Told

    A law firm suspected of helping facilitate tax evasion has doubled down in its bid to avoid disclosing the names of its clients to the IRS, telling the Fifth Circuit that complying with the summons would violate attorney-client privilege.

  9. October 16, 2019

    IRS Summons On Law Firm Clients Proper, US Tells 5th Circ.

    The IRS has the authority to issue a summons to a law firm requesting information on clients potentially involved in offshore tax schemes after discovering one client had underreported $5 million in income, the U.S. has told the Fifth Circuit.