Antares Underwriting Limited v. Magellan E&P Holdings Inc.

  1. May 02, 2024

    Lloyd's Unit Gets Oil Well Repair Co.'s $4.5M Claim Tossed

    A Texas federal court tossed an oil well repair company's claim seeking over $4.5 million in additional insured coverage for costs incurred from controlling a blown-out well, finding that the company doesn't have standing to bring an independent claim against the well owner's carrier.

  2. November 16, 2023

    Oil Well Co. Slams Lloyd's Bid To Avoid Covering $4.5M Repair

    An oil well repair company urged a Texas federal court to reject an underwriter's bid to toss the company's claim for additional insured coverage after it spent over $4.5 million to regain control of a blown-out well, slamming the underwriter's interpretation of the policy as piecemeal.

  3. September 21, 2023

    Lloyd's Unit Can't Duck Oil Well Repair Coverage, Court Told

    An oil well owner's insurer must reimburse an oil well repair company for more than $4.5 million it spent to control a well, the repair company said, telling a Texas federal court the carrier wrongfully asserted it was not an additional insured on the owner's policy.