Attached Documents
- Magistrate judge’s findings and recommendation
- Beef Northwest Feeders’ motion to dismiss
- Lamb Weston Holdings’ motion to dismiss
- Port of Morrow and Threemile Canyon Farms’ motion to dismiss
- Madison Ranches’ motion to dismiss
- Plaintiffs’ response to motions to dismiss
- Lamb Weston Holdings’ reply to motion to dismiss
- Port of Morrow and Threemile Canyon Farms’ reply to motion to dismiss
- Beef Northwest Feeders’ reply to motion to dismiss
- Plaintiffs’ surreply in response to new issues raised
- Beef Northwest Feeders and Threemile Canyon Farms’ joint supplemental brief regarding CAFO permits
- Plaintiffs’ response to supplemental brief
- Beef Northwest Feeders’ request for judicial notice
- Lamb Weston Holdings’ request for judicial notice
- Port of Morrow and Threemile Canyon’s request for judicial notice
- Plaintiffs’ response to requests for judicial notice
- Port of Morrow and Threemile Canyon’s reply to request for judicial notice
- Amended complaint