Waterscape Resort LLC

  1. November 01, 2013

    Contractor Calls Waterscape Discovery Motion 'Harassment'

    Contractor Pavarini McGovern LLC on Friday asked a New York bankruptcy judge to dismiss a discovery motion filed by Waterscape Resort LLC in an ongoing contract dispute over the building of the Cassa NY Hotel, on the grounds that the motion is redundant and constitutes harassment.

  2. January 10, 2013

    Ex-Construction Manager Wants In On Waterscape Settlements

    The former construction manager for New York's Cassa NY Hotel on Tuesday accused the hotel's reorganized developer, Waterscape Resort LLC, of improperly excluding it from post-bankruptcy settlements with subcontractors over unpaid work on the project.

  3. June 26, 2012

    Contractor Says NY Developer Owes $11M For Unpaid Work

    New York contractor Pavarini McGovern LLC, the former construction manager for the Cassa NY Hotel development, moved for summary judgment Monday in New York bankruptcy court in a $10.8 million adversary suit against Cassa developer Waterscape Resort LLC for allegedly diverting lien law trust funds.

  4. July 22, 2011

    Cassa Hotel Developer's Ch. 11 Plan OK'd After Deal

    The developer behind New York's Cassa NY Hotel is on track to emerge from its brief stint in Chapter 11 following the approval of its reorganization plan Friday, three days after negotiating a way to resolve disputes with the hotel's builders.

  5. July 19, 2011

    Cassa Hotel Developer Nears Ch. 11 Exit

    The developer behind New York's newly built Cassa NY Hotel on Tuesday cleared a major stumbling block in its bid to emerge from bankruptcy, negotiating a way to resolve disputes with the hotel's builders.

  6. July 13, 2011

    Judge Tables Ch. 11 Exit For Cassa Hotel Developers

    The developers of New York's new Cassa NY Hotel fell short of winning approval Wednesday from a New York bankruptcy judge for a plan to emerge from a brief stint in Chapter 11 protection as they struggled to work out disputes with contractors.