October 09, 2018
In Re: Customs and Tax Administration of the Kingdom of Denmark (Skatteforvaltningen) Tax Refund Scheme Litigation
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
Multi Party Litigation:
Multi-district Litigation
- Akerman LLP
- Bailey Cavalieri
- Binder & Schwartz
- Boehl Stopher
- Brenner Saltzman
- Caplin & Drysdale
- Chamberlain Hrdlicka
- Clark Hill
- Cohen & Wolf
- Dentons
- Dewey Pegno
- Fitch Law Partners
- Frankfurt Kurnit
- Green & Sklarz
- Gusrae Kaplan
- Hughes Hubbard
- Kaplan Rice
- Katten Muchin
- Kirton McConkie
- K&L Gates
- Kostelanetz LLP
- Marcus Neiman
- Martin Kenney & Co
- McMahon & Associates PC
- Moore Tax Law Group
- Morvillo Abramowitz
- Paul Hastings
- Ray Quinney
- Seward & Kissel
- Sher Tremonte
- Stites & Harbison
- Taft Stettinius
- Wiedner & McAuliffe
- Williams & Connolly
- WilmerHale
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
February 24, 2025
Investor Settles In $2.1B Danish Tax Fraud Case
A U.S. investor who was among those accused by Denmark's tax agency of participating in a $2.1 billion tax fraud scheme related to fraudulently claiming refunds on tax withheld from stock dividends has reached a settlement, according to New York federal court documents filed Monday.
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