1. March 28, 2022

    US Agrees To Eco-Remediation In Border Wall Settlements

    In a trio of settlements with conservation and tribal groups, the U.S. government has agreed to stop using existing military funds to build the southern border wall and to address environmental and infrastructure damage caused by that project.

  2. February 11, 2022

    Feds Zeroing In On Settlements In Border Wall Disputes

    The federal government told a D.C. federal court it has reached a tentative agreement to end advocacy groups' lawsuit over the diversion of federal funds for the southern border wall and is nearing an agreement with environmental groups and tribes bringing similar claims.

  3. April 02, 2020

    Trump Escapes Border Wall Funding Suit As Claims Trimmed

    President Donald Trump won an exit on Thursday from advocacy groups' legal challenge to the White House's diversion of federal funding for the southern border wall, with a D.C. federal judge also trimming claims against other elements of the administration.

  4. January 07, 2020

    Feds Say Enviro Issues Can't Back Border Wall Funding Case

    The Trump administration urged a D.C. federal court to toss lawsuits from advocacy groups challenging the diversion of federal funding for the southern border wall, saying that the groups' environmental and recreational challenges aren't covered by funding laws.

  5. December 16, 2019

    Trump's Diversion Of $3.6B For Wall Draws Judge's Queries

    A D.C. federal judge appeared conflicted Monday over President Donald Trump bypassing Congress to transfer $3.6 billion in military construction funds to build his long-promised southwest border wall, sharply challenging attorneys for both sides about the legality of Trump's reallocation of congressional funding.

  6. October 10, 2019

    Feds Defend Authority To Move Money To Fund Border Wall

    The Trump administration told a D.C. federal court this week that environmental groups are wrong about the president's authority to declare a national emergency to divert congressional funding to build a long-promised southern border wall.

  7. October 03, 2019

    Enviro Groups Double Down In Bid To Keep Border Wall Suit

    Environmental groups doubled down in D.C. federal court to keep their lawsuit challenging the Trump administration's emergency authority to reallocate congressional funding to build a long-promised southern border wall.

  8. September 17, 2019

    DOD Runs Out Of Funds For 3 Border Wall Projects

    The U.S. Department of Defense won't proceed with 20 miles of barriers along the southern border after running out of money for the project, it told a Washington, D.C., federal court Monday as part of several disputes over the use of military funds for the contentious border wall.

  9. April 03, 2019

    Feds Try To Dodge Border Emergency Declaration Challenges

    The Trump administration wants out of a pair of lawsuits filed in federal court by Texas landowners and environmental organizations challenging the president's national emergency declaration to fund his long-promised southern border wall.