North American Butterfly Association, et al v. Neuhaus & Sons, LLC, et al

  1. February 03, 2022

    Private Border Wall Challenger Moves To Drop Federal Case

    A nonprofit challenging privately funded construction of a section of border wall has moved to dismiss the remaining nuisance claim pending in Texas federal court after other claims in the case were sent back to state court.

  2. January 14, 2022

    Texas Judge Chops Up Border Wall Claims, Remands Some

    A Texas federal judge severed claims in a nonprofit's suit challenging construction on a section of the border wall, keeping nuisance claims that hinge on a boundary treaty with Mexico in federal court while sending others back to state court.

  3. January 12, 2022

    Private Border Wall Challenger Wants Suit Back In State Court

    The North American Butterfly Association has urged a Texas federal judge to remand its suit challenging the construction of a section of private border wall, arguing the judge's "theoretical" concerns did not justify keeping the case in federal court.

  4. July 08, 2021

    'We Build The Wall' Head Hit With Another Tax Charge

    A man indicted with Trump associate Steve Bannon and accused of fraudulent fundraising in the We Build the Wall campaign is facing another charge for filing a false tax return on top of charges already filed in Florida federal court.

  5. May 06, 2021

    'We Build The Wall' Head Hit With New Indictment Over Taxes

    A Florida man indicted last year alongside Steve Bannon for their alleged fraudulent fundraising in the We Build The Wall campaign is now facing another indictment related to his 2019 tax filings, the U.S. Department of Justice announced Thursday.