USA v. Englander

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Case overview

Case Number:



California Central

Nature of Suit:

  1. January 25, 2021

    Ex-LA Councilman Sentenced To 14 Months For Lying To Feds

    Former Los Angeles City Councilman Mitchell Englander was sentenced Monday to 14 months in prison and fined $15,000 by a federal judge after he admitted to lying to investigators about accepting thousands in cash, a lavish Las Vegas trip and prostitution services from a businessperson.

  2. January 12, 2021

    Ex-LA Councilman Wants Probation For Lying To Feds

    One week after California federal prosecutors knocked the U.S. Probation Office's sentencing recommendation of probation for former Los Angeles City Councilman Mitchell Englander, the former San Fernando Valley representative has turned around and accused the government on Monday of "ignoring the parameters" of their plea agreement for making false statements in connection with a bribery probe at City Hall.

  3. January 05, 2021

    Feds Knock Sentencing Proposal For LA Pol As Too Light

    Federal prosecutors seeking prison time for convicted former Los Angeles City Councilman Mitchell Englander slammed the U.S. Probation Office on Monday for a sentencing calculation proposal that could result in little to no time behind bars.

  4. March 27, 2020

    Ex-LA Councilor Cops To Felony Charge In Corruption Probe

    Former Los Angeles City Councilman Mitchell Englander agreed Friday to plead guilty to a federal felony in a case in which he was accused of obstructing a probe into whether he accepted cash, escort services and other bribes from a land developer.

  5. March 12, 2020

    Feds Say Recordings 'Central' To Ex-LA Councilor's Charges

    Federal prosecutors on Thursday revealed an array of potential evidence gathered by the FBI against former Los Angeles City Councilman Mitchell Englander on charges of obstructing a public corruption investigation, including hours of secretly recorded conversations that are the "central piece" of the case.