CTI Development, LLC v. Citigroup Inc. et al

  1. October 14, 2021

    Citigroup Dodges Part Of Illinois Superfund Cleanup Suit

    A developer can advance most of its suit looking to force Citigroup to clean up a Superfund slag pile, but its claims for contribution and strict liability can't proceed, an Illinois federal judge said Wednesday.

  2. June 03, 2021

    Citigroup Says Developer Can't Make It Clean Superfund Site

    Citigroup and one of its subsidiaries asked an Illinois federal judge to throw out a suit filed by a developer that wants the investment bank to clean up a slag pile, arguing the developer knew about the problem when it bought the land.

  3. February 23, 2021

    Citigroup Sued Over Illinois Superfund Site

    Investment bank Citigroup and one of its subsidiaries should be required to clean up a Superfund hazardous waste pile that is leaking chemicals onto a neighboring property and may pollute the Mississippi River, an Illinois developer says in a lawsuit.