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NY Bills Seek Tax Relief Amid Pandemic For Some Landlords

By James Nani · 2021-02-05 19:49:55 -0500

New York would give some landlords relief during the novel coronavirus pandemic by offering property tax extensions or limiting penalties for tax paid late, under several bills introduced in the state legislature.

S.B. 4159, introduced Tuesday by Sen. Leroy Comrie, D-Queens, would set a 3% cap statewide on penalties for unpaid late property tax liabilities due and payable from March 7, 2020, through June 30, 2021, according to a bill description. The bill has been referred to the Committee on Local Government.

A.B. 4644, introduced Thursday by Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara, D-Rotterdam, would give landlords owning five or fewer rental units an extension to pay property taxes if a tenant or tenants have not paid rent in 180 days after the pandemic state of emergency has expired, according to a bill description. The bill has been referred to the Assembly Real Property Taxation Committee.

A.B. 4612 and A.B. 4653, introduced on Thursday by Assemblyman Michael Cusick, D-South Shore, would prohibit fees on real property tax assessments owed by smaller landlords or businesses during the COVID-19 state disaster emergency until 90 days after the declared emergency has ended, according to bill descriptions. Both bills have been referred to the Real Property Taxation Committee.

--Additional reporting by Jaqueline McCool. Editing by Robert Rudinger.

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