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Accountants Urge IRS To Extend All Tax Deadlines To June 15

By Theresa Schliep · 2021-03-25 18:31:23 -0400

The Internal Revenue Service should extend to June 15 all tax payments and returns with April deadlines, including trust and estate taxes and corporate income taxes, an accounting group told the agency.

The tax relief the IRS granted by extending individual tax return and payment deadlines due April 15 to May 17 is the right step but is itself inadequate, the National Society of Accountants said in a letter sent Wednesday. Furthermore, still requiring first-quarter estimated tax payments by April 15 despite that extension for individual taxes risks complicating tax filing further, according to the letter.

The IRS should instead extend all tax deadlines originally set for April 15 to June 15, the group said. This includes deadlines for tax payments and returns for trusts, estates and corporations, according to the letter.

The IRS extended individual tax deadlines from April 15 to May 17 in light of the coronavirus pandemic and recent changes made to tax law by the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act

--Additional reporting by Amy Lee Rosen. Editing by Vincent Sherry. 

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