Luis Villa-Arce v. Cmsnr. IRS

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Case overview

Case Number:



Appellate - DC Circuit

Nature of Suit:

  1. May 26, 2023

    DC Circ. Affirms Tax Court Denial Of Whistleblower Award

    A three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit on Friday affirmed the U.S. Tax Court's decision to deny an award to a whistleblower who says he helped the IRS recover $2 million from a business, finding the decision was reasonably based on U.S. Treasury Department regulations.

  2. August 16, 2022

    IRS Tells DC Circ. To Dismiss Whistleblower's Appeal

    A tipster's appeal to overturn a U.S. Tax Court decision that denied him a whistleblower award should be dismissed because the court initially lacked jurisdiction to review the case, the Internal Revenue Service told the D.C. Circuit on Tuesday.

  3. May 11, 2022

    IRS Tipster Urges DC Circ. To Undo Denial Of His Award Bid

    A tipster has asked the D.C. Circuit to undo a U.S. Tax Court decision finding that he wasn't entitled to a whistleblower award, saying information he gave the IRS led it to assess at least $2 million against a business.