Hobby Distillers Association et al v. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau et al

  1. July 11, 2024

    Federal Home Booze Ban Is Unconstitutional, Judge Rules

    The federal laws banning making liquor at home are unconstitutional, a Texas federal judge said Wednesday, granting a permanent injunction to a home distilling group and saying the ban goes beyond Congress' enumerated powers.

  2. May 17, 2024

    Home Distillers Tell Feds Ban Fails Under Spirit Of The Law

    The Hobby Distillers Association said the federal government is exceeding its constitutional powers and treading on states' rights by banning homemade liquor under its taxing authority, as the group laid out its position Friday at the request of a Texas federal judge.

  3. March 28, 2024

    Making Home Liquor Constitutional, Distillers Group Says

    A Texas federal judge decided that a case between the Hobby Distillers Association and the government over the right to make hard liquor at home could proceed on the merits after both sides argued about the constitutionality of homemade spirits during a hearing on Thursday.

  4. March 26, 2024

    Distillers Group Wants Injunction To Make Liquor At Home

    The Hobby Distillers Association renewed its call Tuesday for a Texas federal judge to give early permission for its members to distill spirits at home, telling the court that it has authority to declare the federal laws banning home distilling unconstitutional.