Liberty Global v. CIR

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Case overview

Case Number:



Appellate - 10th Circuit

Nature of Suit:

Tax Court (agency) 


Sectors & Industries:

  1. November 22, 2024

    IRS Ignores Text In $248M Fight, Liberty Global Tells 10th Circ.

    The Internal Revenue Service is incorrectly applying the U.S. tax code in denying Liberty Global's claim for $248 million in foreign tax credits tied to its sale of a Japanese affiliate, the telecommunications company told the Tenth Circuit.

  2. October 17, 2024

    Liberty Global Shouldn't Get $248M Tax Credit, 10th Circ. Told

    Liberty Global distorted the language and statutory scheme of the U.S. tax code's foreign tax credit regulations to falsely claim $248 million in credits, the U.S. government told the Tenth Circuit on Thursday.

  3. September 05, 2024

    Liberty Global Urges 10th Circ. To Grant $248M Tax Credit

    The U.S. Tax Court improperly applied an Internal Revenue Code provision to some of the $2.8 billion gain from Liberty Global's sale of a Japanese entity, the telecommunications company said in urging the Tenth Circuit to overturn the resulting rejection of a $248 million tax credit.

  4. August 23, 2024

    Chamber Backs Doctor In Tax Court Economic Substance Suit

    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce lent its support to an eye doctor and his wife's U.S. Tax Court case disputing accuracy-related penalties that the Internal Revenue Service plans to impose on their microcaptive insurance arrangements for lacking economic substance.

  5. August 07, 2024

    Tax Court's Economic Substance Foray May Clarify Limits

    A U.S. Tax Court judge plans to address an ill-defined provision governing the relevance of the economic substance doctrine in a microcaptive insurance case, offering the courts another chance to clarify an anti-abuse tool the IRS has been deploying more often.