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Corporate Crime & Compliance UK
UK Corporate Crime & Compliance provides breaking news and analysis on enforcement and white collar crime in Europe. Coverage includes internal investigations, whistleblower rights, executive responsibility, tax evasion, criminal market abuse and insider dealing actions, anti-money laundering, bribery, corruption and sanctions enforcement.
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Latest News in Corporate Crime & Compliance UK
March 12, 2025
Simpson Thacher Fined £300K For AML Compliance Failures
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP was fined £300,000 ($389,0000) by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal on Wednesday for failing to implement measures to lower the risk of money laundering.
March 12, 2025
UK Enforcers Double Down On Apple Mobile Browser Worries
A new report from British competition enforcers claims that Apple and Google's dominance in mobile operating systems and browsers limits competition and innovation in the United Kingdom, while encouraging regulators to consider imposing pro-competition requirements on the tech giants.
March 12, 2025
Regulatory Rollback Gathers Pace As Programs Axed
The City watchdog has dropped three of its top regulatory initiatives, responding on Wednesday to industry criticism and government pressure to boost competitiveness and economic growth.
March 12, 2025
EU Targets US Goods In Response To Trump's Tariffs
The European Commission said Wednesday that it will impose tariffs on American goods imported into the European Union in response to U.S. tariffs placed on EU steel and aluminum exports.
March 12, 2025
HMRC To Reward Whistleblowers Who Expose Tax Fraud
Insiders who tip off investigators to serious tax avoidance by large companies and rich elites will be paid a cut of any money the U.K. tax enforcer claws back under a new policy proposed by the government.

Areas of Coverage
- Actions involving insider dealing and market abuse
- Commercial fraud litigation
- Bribery, corruption and anti-money laundering matters
- Sanctions violations
- Tax fraud and evasion
- Whistleblower discrimination claims
- Professional disqualifications
- Extradition and unexplained wealth orders
- Serious Fraud Office
- Crown Prosecution Service
- National Crime Agency
- Financial Conduct Authority
- European Anti-Fraud Office
- European Securities and Markets Authority
- HM Customs & Revenue
- U.K. Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation
- U.K. and European Union regulation and legislation covering criminal and quasi-criminal enforcement powers
- Solicitors at top law firms
- Barristers
- Corporate counsel and compliance officers at major companies
- Judges and court staff