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March 12, 2025
Look At All These 1-Word Orders In IP Cases, Justices Told
A patent owner has told the U.S. Supreme Court that there's momentum behind its push for scrutiny of the Federal Circuit's one-word orders in patent cases and its challenge to courts' summary judgment practices in such matters.
March 12, 2025
Tech Mahindra Urges Justices To Nix White Worker's Bias Suit
Tech Mahindra asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review a Third Circuit's ruling reviving a proposed class action claiming the information technology company favored South Asian employees, arguing it deepened a circuit split by greenlighting a case that should have been time-barred.
March 12, 2025
Del. Senate Panel Sends Corp. Law Overhaul To Full Chamber
Delaware legislation that could narrow stockholder opportunities to sue state-chartered corporations for fiduciary duty breaches or access to books and records moved to the state's full Senate on Wednesday after a less than 90-minute committee hearing that leaned toward the bill's supporters.
March 12, 2025
Education Dept. Eyes Appeal After Teacher Grants Revived
President Donald Trump's administration opened two lines of attack on a Boston federal judge's order temporarily reinstating $250 million in U.S. Department of Education grants for teacher training that were cut last month because of their ties to diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, filing an appeal with the First Circuit while also seeking an emergency stay.
March 12, 2025
4th Circ. Won't Undo Health Data Access Order
A Fourth Circuit panel issued a ruling Wednesday that affirmed a lower court's order requiring PointClickCare to allow Real Time Medical Systems to access patient data that it uses to provide nursing facilities with alerts for potential medical complications.
March 12, 2025
Mich. Justices Fret About Insurer Fallout In Benefits Case
The Michigan Supreme Court on Wednesday seemed receptive to an insurance pool's argument that it does not owe coverage to a municipality for canceling a retirement benefit, asking about the potential for a major impact on the industry were it to affirm an adverse ruling.
March 12, 2025
Mich. Appellate Judge Pans Medical Pot Co.'s Sales Tax Claim
A Michigan Court of Appeals judge sounded skeptical Wednesday of a medical cannabis provisioning center's claim that nonbinding guidance from the state tax agency shielded it from collecting sales tax for the first year after a law regulating its type of business was enacted.
March 12, 2025
Trump Admin Drops Biden Bid To Unfreeze ACA Trans Rule
The Trump administration asked the Fifth Circuit on Wednesday to dismiss its appeal, filed in July by the Biden administration, of a Texas federal judge's decision to halt a rule protecting access to gender-affirming healthcare.
March 12, 2025
Del. Justices Uphold LG Co.'s Loss In Firing Challenge
Delaware's top court has backed a Chancery Court ruling that Alphonso Inc., a TV data company majority-owned by an LG subsidiary, was not permitted to push out five co-founders.
March 12, 2025
COVID Test Device Maker Settles Fed. Circ. Feuds With Rival
A company that makes saliva collection devices used for COVID-19 tests says it will drop out of Federal Circuit appeals fights with Longhorn Vaccines & Diagnostics stemming from the Patent Trial and Appeal Board canceling 183 of Longhorn's patent claims as a punishment for "egregious abuse of the PTAB process."
March 12, 2025
Mich. Justices Urged To Break Long Silence On Doc Dumping
An attorney for the estate of a crash victim asked Michigan's highest court to reinstate a lawsuit against a truck driver's employer and sanctions for tossing records in a dumpster, saying the case was an opportunity for the court to break its silence on the issue of destroying evidence.
March 12, 2025
Justices Face Renewed Calls To Nix Mass. Wind Farm Permits
Fishing industry groups have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to undo federal approvals of the Vineyard Wind project off the Massachusetts coast, less than two months after the justices declined to consider another legal challenge by project opponents.
March 12, 2025
4th Circ. Voids IRS Win In Collections Suit Against NC Couple
The IRS should not have been granted a district court win over a North Carolina couple's 2007 tax bill because there was conflicting evidence about when the taxpayers had reached out to the agency for an installment payment agreement, the Fourth Circuit said Wednesday.
March 12, 2025
Second Bid For Roundup Mass Tort Launched In New Jersey
A second application for lawsuits against Monsanto Co. and Bayer AG alleging injuries by exposure to the company's weed killer Roundup to be designated as multicounty litigation has been filed with the New Jersey Supreme Court, according to a notice to the bar.
March 12, 2025
Cal State Can Bar Caste Bias, 9th Circ. Affirms
A Ninth Circuit panel on Wednesday affirmed a lower court's ruling that two California State University professors lacked standing to challenge the university's inclusion of caste as a protected class in its antidiscrimination policy, saying the policy never specifically mentions Hinduism and therefore does not stigmatize the religion or force self-censorship.
March 12, 2025
Final Google Fixes Keep Apple Payments, DOJ Tells DC Circ.
The U.S. Department of Justice doubled down on its arguments against permitting Apple to intervene in the upcoming remedies phase of its Google search monopoly lawsuit, arguing that the newly submitted final version of its sought fixes show Apple would keep getting payments it wants protected.
March 12, 2025
Property Tax Can Fund Retired Cops' Insurance, Panel Says
A Michigan state appeals court on Tuesday said property taxes imposed by four municipalities to cover the cost of health insurance for retired firefighters and police officers are not illegal, finding a law established before a constitutional amendment barring new taxes without a public vote allowed taxation for broad retirement benefits.
March 12, 2025
White House Urged To Back Patent Eligibility Bill To Aid AI
The Council for Innovation Promotion has urged the Trump administration to support a legislative overhaul of patent eligibility law and reconsider patent office guidance on the issue as the White House aims to ensure the U.S. plays a dominant role in artificial intelligence.
March 12, 2025
Drew Eckl Can't Keep Breakaway Firm In Arbitration Over Fees
The Georgia Court of Appeals on Wednesday found that Burke Moore Law Group LLP — founded by former Drew Eckl & Farnham LLP partners and others — cannot be subject to arbitration over fees between Drew Eckl and those ex-firm partners since Burke Moore did not sign the agreement at issue.
March 12, 2025
Group To Study ABA Accreditation Req. For Fla. Bar Exam
The Florida Supreme Court said Wednesday it would convene a workgroup to reconsider a rule requiring applicants for the state bar exam to have graduated from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association, citing concerns about the ABA's accreditation standards on racial and ethnic diversity and the organization's "active political engagement."
March 12, 2025
2nd Circ. Upholds Sanctions In Chinese Billionaire's Ch. 11
The Second Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday torpedoed an appeal from the daughter of bankrupt Chinese exile Miles Guo — also known as Ho Won Kwok — and her attorney seeking to overturn a nearly $83,400 discovery sanction, saying the contempt ruling was merited.
March 12, 2025
Fed. Circ. Finds No Confusion Between Firebull, Fireball TMs
The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board correctly found there is no likelihood of confusion between a distillery's pending bid to register Bullshine Firebull and Sazerac Brands' Fireball marks, the Federal Circuit said in a precedential opinion Wednesday that also affirmed the board's conclusion that Fireball is not generic.
March 12, 2025
Ga. Appeals Court Backs Class Cert. In Vehicle Booting Case
A Georgia Court of Appeals panel backed a truck driver's bid for class certification in a suit that alleges an Atlanta-based impound company unlawfully booted over 1,000 vehicles without authorization from local governments.
March 12, 2025
Luxottica Drops Appeal On ERISA Suit's Arbitrability
Luxottica shuttered its appeal of a New York federal judge's order that the company could not compel arbitration of a worker's representative claims that it violated federal benefits law by using outdated mortality data to calculate pensions benefits.
March 12, 2025
Steptoe Hires National Security Veteran In New York
Steptoe LLP has hired a former Curtis Mallet-Prevost Colt & Mosle LLP attorney known for his defense of Guantanamo Bay detainees and other high-profile national security matters, who joined the firm in New York as a partner.
Expert Analysis
Discretionary Compensation Lessons From 7th Circ. Ruling
The Seventh Circuit’s recent ruling in Das v. Tata established that contract disclaimers don't automatically bar claims under the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act, underscoring the limits of compensation systems that purport to grant employers unilateral discretion, say attorneys at Schoenberg Finkel.
Gas Contract Fight Holds Lessons On Force Majeure Clauses
Ongoing litigation over gas deliveries during Winter Storm Uri underscores the need for precision and foresight when negotiating force majeure clauses in contracts — particularly in the energy sector, where climate-related disruptions and market volatility are inevitable, but often unpredictable, say attorneys at Spencer Fane.
Justices Likely To Stay In ERISA's Bounds On Pleadings
The arguments in Cunningham v. Cornell showed the U.S. Supreme Court's willingness to resolve a circuit split regarding Employee Retirement Income Security Act pleading standards by staying within ERISA's confines, while instructing courts regarding what must be pled to survive a motion to dismiss, says Ryan Curtis at Fennemore Craig.
Scope And Nature Of Judicial Relief Will Affect Loper's Impact
The practical result of post-Loper Bright rulings against regulatory actions will depend on the relief courts grant — and there has been controversy in these types of cases over whether the ruling is applied just to the parties or nationwide, and whether the action can be left in place while it's corrected, says Steven Gordon at Holland & Knight.
What's Next After Justices Clarify FLSA Evidence Standard
The U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision in EMD Sales v. Carrera makes it easier to claim employees are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act’s minimum wage and overtime requirements, and eliminates inconsistency and unpredictability for employers operating in multiple jurisdictions, say attorneys at Bracewell.
The Implications Of E-Cigarette Cos. Taking Suits To 5th Circ.
The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in U.S. Food and Drug Administration v. R.J. Reynolds over the definition of an "adversely affected" person under the Tobacco Control Act, and the justices' ruling will have important and potentially wide-ranging implications for forum shopping claims, says Trillium Chang at Zuckerman Spaeder.
Adventure Photography Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Photographing nature everywhere from Siberia to Cuba and Iceland to Rwanda provides me with a constant reminder to refresh, refocus and rethink the legal issues that my clients face, says Richard Birmingham at Davis Wright.
Fed. Circ. Inherency Ruling Refines Obviousness Framework
The Federal Circuit's December decision in Cytiva v. JSR has definitively eliminated the requirement of "reasonable expectation of success" analysis for inherent properties in obviousness determinations, while providing some key clarifications for patent practitioners, says Lawrence Kass at Steptoe.
Commercial Tree Thinning Should Be Part of Wildfire Control
The devastating wildfires currently afflicting California make it clear that the U.S. Forest Service should step up its use of methods including commercial tree removal to lower fire risk — but litigation that drags on for years stymies many of these efforts and endangers the public, says Jeffrey Beelaert at Givens Pursley.
The 5 Most Important Bid Protest Decisions Of 2024
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the Court of Federal Claims and the Government Accountability Office issued five noteworthy bid protest decisions in 2024 that will likely have a continuing impact on questions concerning standing, timeliness, corporate transactions and more, say attorneys at Bradley Arant.
High Court Could Further Limit Deference With TCPA Fax Case
The Supreme Court's decision to hear McLaughlin Chiropractic Associates v. McKesson, a case involving alleged junk faxes that centers whether district courts are bound by Federal Communications Commission rules, offers the court a chance to possibly further limit the judicial deference afforded to federal agency interpretations of statutes, says Samantha Duke at Rumberger Kirk.
Future Of Crypto-Asset Classification Is In 2nd Circ.'s Hands
A definitive ruling from the Second Circuit in a rare interlocutory appeal in the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's ongoing court battle with Coinbase could finally establish clear guidelines on the classification of digital assets, influencing how they are regulated and traded in the U.S., say attorneys at Manatt.
5 Ways To Create Effective Mock Assignments For Associates
In order to effectively develop associates’ critical thinking skills, firms should design mock assignments that contain a few key ingredients, from messy fact patterns to actionable feedback, says Abdi Shayesteh at AltaClaro.
More Environmental Claims, More Greenwashing Challenges
As companies prepare for the 2025 greenwashing landscape, they should take heed of a D.C. appellate decision that shows that environmental claims are increasingly subject to attack and provides plaintiffs with a playbook for challenging corporate claims of sustainability, say attorneys at Sidley.
Calif. Cannabis Decision Deepens Commerce Clause Divide
In Peridot Tree v. Sacramento, the Eastern District of California joined a growing minority of courts that have found the dormant commerce clause inapplicable to state-regulated marijuana, and the Ninth Circuit will soon provide important guidance on this issue, say attorneys at Perkins Coie.