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March 20, 2025
Hawley To Introduce Bill To Restrict Nationwide Injunctions
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, announced on Thursday he would be introducing legislation to prevent district court judges from issuing nationwide injunctions.
March 20, 2025
No 1st Circ. Appeal For 'Varsity Blues' Guilty Plea, Judge Says
A judge in the "Varsity Blues" college admissions case won't allow a former attorney and television executive to seek First Circuit review of his order rejecting claims that a U.S. Supreme Court ruling invalidates the legal underpinnings of the former executive's guilty plea, according to a Thursday decision.
March 20, 2025
8th Circ. Won't Nix Deportation Of Woman For Pot Offense
The Eighth Circuit declined to review a Board of Immigration Appeals finding that a Mexican national is removable for her conviction of possession of cannabis with intent to deliver, and that the conviction makes her ineligible for cancellation of removal.
March 19, 2025
Full 9th Circ. Quizzes BNSF On Reasons For Conductor Firing
The en banc Ninth Circuit hinted Wednesday it might stand by a panel's earlier ruling overturning BNSF Railway Co.'s win in an ex-conductor's retaliation suit, with several judges expressing skepticism the railway had shown he would've been fired for dishonesty and insubordination even if he hadn't refused to stop conducting a brake test.
March 19, 2025
GM Seeks Full 6th Circ. Guidance Amid Class Action Surge
Sixth Circuit judges on Wednesday dug into whether they should undo a panel's ruling upholding class certification for consumers who allege General Motors sold vehicles with defective transmissions, as the automaker urged the judges to give courts guidance on class certification at a time the circuit has been "inundated" with class actions.
March 19, 2025
Texas Justices OK With Venue Appeal Despite 'Politics' Involved
A Texas Supreme Court justice lamented Wednesday that venue choice has become "a matter of politics," but told counsel for the family of a girl killed when a bus ran into her that the law seemingly gives the opposing party the right to appeal a venue decision from the trial court.
March 19, 2025
DC Circ.'s Copyright Denial Of AI Art Is A Sign Of Future Fights
A computer scientist's quest to register artwork made by his artificial intelligence system hit another roadblock this week when the D.C. Circuit concluded that only human authors qualify for copyright protection, but his case foreshadows complex questions that courts and perhaps Congress will have to grapple with as the technology evolves.
March 19, 2025
Fed. Circ. Says Lacking License Dooms DOD Fuel Deal Protest
The Federal Circuit refused Wednesday to revive a case challenging a $134 million sole-source fuel supply contract for the U.S. military in Djibouti, saying the challenger wasn't eligible for the deal even if the Defense Logistics Agency had opened it up to competition.
March 19, 2025
Ex-U.S. Rep. Loses 2nd Circ. Appeal In Insider Trading Case
Former Indiana Rep. Stephen Buyer has failed to convince the Second Circuit to overturn his insider trading conviction or to grant him a new trial, with the appellate court ruling Wednesday to keep his 22-month sentence intact.
March 19, 2025
Ga. Justices Consider Election Board's Rulemaking Authority
Georgia's Supreme Court justices on Wednesday considered whether a trial court judge correctly blocked the enforcement of controversial State Election Board rules put in place before last year's general election, weighing arguments about whether the rulemaking aligned with the constitution's separation of powers.
March 19, 2025
Retirees' Discovery Bid Rejected In Hilton Pension Suit
A D.C. federal judge on Wednesday refused to reopen discovery in a decades-old suit against Hilton Hotels Corp. filed by retirees who won on claims that the company violated federal benefits law by shortchanging their pensions, citing a lack of evidence in the record that Hilton wasn't complying with the court's judgment.
March 19, 2025
Fla. Court Affirms Boardwalk Easement, Despite Defunct Law
Florida's First District Court of Appeal confirmed Wednesday that Walton County, Florida, had a right to a public easement on a beach, finding it need not have exercised that right before the federal government repealed the law under which the land was conveyed to private owners.
March 19, 2025
Ill. Justices Probe Wholesalers' Knowledge Of Tainted Cilantro
Justices on Illinois' top court on Wednesday pressed attorneys in a case over allegedly contaminated cilantro to address when two wholesalers had actual knowledge the product may have made people sick, and what moment triggered a duty by a distributor to give notice for an implied warranty of merchantability claim.
March 19, 2025
8th Circuit Rejects Minn. Tribe's Jurisdiction Rehearing Bid
The Eighth Circuit on Wednesday denied a Minnesota tribe's request for a panel or en banc rehearing on a decision to remand and vacate its challenge over law enforcement jurisdiction on its reservation after it told the court last month that its assessment of the case conflicts with precedent.
March 19, 2025
Texas Justices Skeptical Boeing Can Dodge Airline Union Suit
Texas Supreme Court justices seemed wary of Boeing Co.'s argument that a pilot's union can't sue over lost compensation after a pair of deadly crashes involving the company's 737 Max airplanes, saying during oral arguments Wednesday it was seemingly making "policy arguments for Congress."
March 19, 2025
Fed. Circ. Backs Partial Ax Of 'Money Mart' TM In Pawn Fight
The Federal Circuit has backed the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board's finding that two Dollar Financial Group trademark registrations for the phrase "Money Mart" can't be used for pawn brokerages and pawn shops.
March 19, 2025
White House Says It Will Obey Court Orders But Faults Judges
White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt said on Wednesday the Trump administration will comply with court orders, but continued to escalate its verbal attacks on the judiciary.
March 19, 2025
Plane Parts Maker Beats NC Appeal In Fatal Crash Suit
Continental Aerospace Technologies Inc. defeated an appeal of its win in a products liability lawsuit stemming from the deaths of two pilots who crashed in one of the manufacturer's planes, with the North Carolina Court of Appeals ruling the plaintiffs failed to differentiate their claims of a defective engine manual with those about the allegedly faulty aircraft.
March 19, 2025
Procedural Flub Ends Peeping Nurse Appeal, NC Panel Says
A North Carolina state appellate panel on Wednesday axed an appeal in a negligence suit alleging a county allowed a nursing assistant to secretly film women at a county-owned clinic, saying the court lacks jurisdiction because the order being appealed wasn't final.
March 19, 2025
Mich. Senate Asks High Court To Fast-Track Stalled Bill Case
The Michigan Senate has appealed directly to the Great Lakes State's highest court, saying the court's swift intervention is needed to resolve a "constitutional confrontation" that arose when the House refused to send passed legislation to the governor.
March 19, 2025
7th Circ. Orders Tax Court To Clarify ESOP Suit Dismissal
The Seventh Circuit axed the U.S. Tax Court's dismissal of a transit company's suit over an employee stock ownership plan, saying the lower court must specify that it lacked the authority to review the case because it was filed before the IRS completed an exam.
March 19, 2025
8th Circ. Upholds No-Coverage Ruling In Floor Paint Suit
A flooring company's insurer has no duty to cover roughly $134,000 in costs to remove and replace a vinyl floor because of a subcontractor's shoddy painting, the Eighth Circuit ruled Wednesday, rejecting the company's position that an exception in a faulty work exclusion applied to restore coverage.
March 19, 2025
6th Circ. Says Pharmacist Doesn't Owe Tax On Forfeited IRA
A pharmacist doing time for running a Kentucky pill mill doesn't owe taxes on his forfeited retirement account, the Sixth Circuit ruled Wednesday, reversing a U.S. Tax Court decision that upheld what the appeals court described as an unexpected punishment.
March 19, 2025
Activist Asks 9th Circ. To Revive Meta, Twitter RICO Fight
Political activist Laura Loomer urged the Ninth Circuit on Wednesday to revive her latest racketeering lawsuit alleging Meta and Twitter conspired with the government to censor conservative voices, arguing the lawsuit is distinct from three prior suits in part because this case involves accounts she used as a political candidate.
March 19, 2025
10th Circ. Says 'Corner-Crossing' Hunters Didn't Trespass
A Tenth Circuit panel has ruled that Wyoming hunters who used an A-frame ladder to cross over private property to access public lands didn't trespass, finding an 1885 American frontier law protects the public's right to "corner-cross" and access public lands that are otherwise enclosed by private property.
Expert Analysis
Attorneys Must Act Now To Protect Judicial Independence
Given the Trump administration's recent moves threatening the independence of the judiciary, including efforts to impeach judges who ruled against executive actions, lawyers must protect the rule of law and resist attempts to dilute the judicial branch’s authority, says attorney Bhavleen Sabharwal.
Colo. Anti-SLAPP Cases Highlight Dismiss Standard Disparity
A pair of recent decisions from the Colorado Court of Appeals highlights two disparate standards for courts evaluating anti-SLAPP motions: one that requires a court to accept the plaintiff's evidence as true and another that allows the court to assess its merits, says Jacob Hollars at Spencer Fane.
Appealing An Interlocutory Order On Insurer Duty To Defend
A recent First Circuit decision on a motion regarding an insurer's duty to defend underlying litigation highlights how policyholders may be able to pursue immediate appeals of interlocutory orders, especially in light of other circuit courts' stances on this issue, say attorneys at Anderson Kill.
Rethinking 'No Comment' For Clients Facing Public Crises
“No comment” is no longer a cost-free or even a viable public communications strategy for companies in crisis, and counsel must tailor their guidance based on a variety of competing factors to help clients emerge successfully, says Robert Bowers at Moore & Van Allen.
Del. Supreme Court TripAdvisor Ruling May Limit 'MFW Creep'
The Delaware Supreme Court's recent Maffei v. Palkon ruling regarding TripAdvisor's proposed reincorporation to Nevada potentially signals a turning point in the trend of expanding the protections from Kahn v. M&F Worldwide to other types of transactions, says Andrew J. Haile at Elon University.
9th Circ. Draws The Line On Software As A Derivative Work
The Ninth Circuit's recent decision in Oracle International v. Rimini Street clarifies the meaning of derivative work under the Copyright Act, and when a work based upon a preexisting item doesn't constitute a derivative, says John Poulos at Norton Rose.
As Failure-To-Warn Preemption Wanes, Justices May Weigh In
Federal preemption of state failure-to-warn claims has long been a powerful defense in strict liability tort cases, but is now under attack in litigation over the weedkiller Roundup and other products — so the scope and application of preemption may require clarification by the U.S. Supreme Court, says Michael Sena at Segal McCambridge.
How Design Thinking Can Help Lawyers Find Purpose In Work
Lawyers everywhere are feeling overwhelmed amid mass government layoffs, increasing political instability and a justice system stretched to its limits — but a design-thinking framework can help attorneys navigate this uncertainty and find meaning in their work, say law professors at the University of Michigan.
Justices' Certiorari Denial Leaves Interstate Tax Questions
Since the U.S. Supreme Court recently declined to review a Philadelphia resident’s claim that her Delaware state income taxes should be credited against her city wage tax liabilities, constitutional questions about state and local tax distinctions linger, and some states may continue to apply Supreme Court precedent differently, say attorneys at Dentons.
Trending At The PTAB: Insights From 2024 Fed. Circ. Statistics
Looking at stats from the Federal Circuit's decisions in 219 Patent Trial and Appeal Board appeals last year sheds light on potential trends and strategy considerations that could improve appeals' chances of success, say attorneys at Finnegan.
Will Independent Federal Agencies Remain Independent?
For 90 years, members of multimember independent federal agencies have relied on the U.S. Supreme Court's 1935 ruling in Humphrey's Executor v. U.S. establishing the security of their positions — but as the Trump administration attempts to overturn this understanding, it is unclear how the high court will respond, says Harvey Reiter at Stinson.
High Court Sentencing Case Presents Legal Fork In The Road
On Feb. 25, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in Esteras v. U.S. about the factors trial courts may consider when imposing a sentence of imprisonment after revoking supervised release, and the justices’ eventual decision may prioritize either discretion or originalism, says Michael Freedman at The Freedman Firm.
Del. Justices' D&O Ruling Clarifies 'Related' Claim Analysis
In its recent decision in the Alexion Pharmaceuticals coverage case, the Delaware Supreme Court adopted a "meaningful linkage" standard for relatedness analysis, providing further guidance to Delaware policyholders on how to navigate those directors and officers insurance disputes, say attorneys at Hunton.
Class Actions At The Circuit Courts: February Lessons
In this month's review of class action appeals, Mitchell Engel at Shook Hardy discusses five federal appellate court class certification decisions and identifies practice tips from cases involving breach of life insurance contracts, constitutional violations of inmates and more.
Defense Strategies For Politically Charged Prosecutions
Politically charged prosecutions have captured the headlines in recent years, providing lessons for defense counsel on how to navigate the distinct challenges, and seize the unique opportunities, such cases present, says Kenneth Notter at MoloLamken.