3 Traits Of Best-In-Class General Counsel

Law360, New York ( January 22, 2016, 4:16 PM EST) -- Today's challenges require a new style of general counsel and our data show the key attributes. A confluence of factors — increased globalization, more technological disruption, and dramatically amplified government oversight — have put the GC function at the center of a corporate maelstrom as never before. Whereas in previous eras, GCs were charged with simply having deep functional expertise and exceptional advisory skills, today they are expected to handle boards adeptly, possess nuanced commercial and operational judgment, and be comfortable interacting with stakeholders in a highly visible manner. The GC is expected to move nimbly from issue to issue and not just to respond but anticipate; as such, as a 2012 HBR article noted, GCs have claimed advisory airtime from both outside law firm partners and other members of the C-suite. Particularly where there is an overlay of significant regulation — and where there is not — the GC plays a fulcrum role in the C-suite....

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