Jenna Dickenson v. NPAS Solutions, LLC

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Case Number:



Appellate - 11th Circuit

Nature of Suit:

3890 Other Statutory Actions

  1. August 11, 2022

    Judges Aren't Rejecting Service Awards Despite 11th Circ. Ban

    The creative ways in which judges have been complying with the Eleventh Circuit's groundbreaking ban on incentive payments for the lead plaintiff in a class action settlement are only going to continue now that the appeals court has refused to revisit its holding.

  2. August 04, 2022

    Split 11th Circ. Won't Rehear Class Incentive Awards Ban

    A divided Eleventh Circuit declined to rehear a panel decision finding that a robocall class action settled with over a $1.4 million deal couldn't include routine incentive awards, with a dissenting minority calling the ruling a threat to class actions.

  3. August 03, 2021

    11th Circ. Ban On Class Action Service Awards Isn't Ironclad

    An Eleventh Circuit prohibition on incentive payments for lead plaintiffs in class action settlements may not have turned out to be the hurdle that attorneys feared, according to a Law360 review of subsequent rulings.

  4. October 26, 2020

    Full 11th Circ. Urged To Buck Ban On Class Incentive Awards

    The full Eleventh Circuit is being pressed to review a panel decision in a dispute over a $1.4 million robocall settlement that found class representatives can't recover routine incentive awards, with the lead plaintiff arguing that this categorical ban would hobble class action litigation and an objector to the deal taking issue with the calculation of class counsel's fees. 

  5. October 19, 2020

    4 Tips To Get Workplace Class Action Settlements Approved

    Employment lawyers should consider retooling class action settlement agreements to make sure that questions about incentive payments for lead plaintiffs don't blow up the whole deal in light of a recent Eleventh Circuit ruling, attorneys say.

  6. September 17, 2020

    11th Circ. Says Class Reps Can't Get Incentive Awards

    The Eleventh Circuit on Thursday said a Florida federal judge made several errors that "have become commonplace in everyday class-action practice" when approving a $1.4 million settlement and $6,000 incentive payment for the lead plaintiff in a robocall suit, finding that U.S. Supreme Court precedent prohibits such routine incentive awards.

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