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Morgan v. Rohr, Inc. et al
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March 05, 2025
Workers, Raytheon Cos. Ink $19.9M In Meal Break Suit
A group of workers urged a California federal judge to approve their $19.9 million deal to end a class action alleging companies affiliated with Raytheon failed to pay workers for their meal and rest breaks, according to a court filing.
July 14, 2023
Calif. Forecast: State Justices Could Seal PAGA's Fate
In the coming week, attorneys should keep an eye out for a highly anticipated California Supreme Court ruling that could have major repercussions for use of the state's Private Attorneys General Act. Here's a look at that case and other labor and employment matters on deck in California.
July 10, 2023
Raytheon Cos. Beat State Claim In Meal Break Suit
Companies affiliated with Raytheon notched a win on a claim included in a group of workers' meal and rest breaks class action when a California federal judge ruled the court lacked jurisdiction to grant workers relief under state law for labor code violations.
June 30, 2023
Calif. Forecast: Citibank Wage Suit Venue Up For Debate
In the next week, attorneys should keep an eye out for the potential remand of a proposed wage and hour class action against Citibank. Here's a look at that case and other labor and employment matters on deck in California.
April 01, 2022
Raytheon Subsidiary Workers Nab Class Cert. In Break Suit
Former workers of Raytheon subsidiaries have gained class certification in their lawsuit against the companies, after a California federal judge ruled that the employees can represent other unionized workers who allege they lost out on wages through missed meal breaks.