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Case Number:



Pennsylvania Western

Nature of Suit:

Civil Rights: Other


William S. Stickman


  1. September 13, 2021

    Dillon McCandless Wants To Reopen Pandemic Suit Fee Fight

    The law firm that challenged Pennsylvania's closure orders and crowd limits during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic has sought to revive its bid for fees, arguing that its clients were the prevailing party in the lawsuit before the orders expired and the Third Circuit dismissed the case as moot.

  2. September 29, 2020

    Dillon McCandless Seeks $136K Fee From Pa. For Virus Fight

    Dillon McCandless King Coulter & Graham LLP, which represented a group of Pennsylvania counties, businesses and lawmakers in a suit that overturned Gov. Tom Wolf's pandemic-related closure orders and crowd limits, is now asking the federal court to make the state pay their $136,000 in legal fees.

  3. September 22, 2020

    Judge Won't Reinstate Pa. Virus Restrictions During Appeal

    A Pennsylvania federal court on Tuesday denied Gov. Tom Wolf's request that it stay its ruling lifting the state's limits on gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic, finding that the state did not show it would suffer "irreparable harm" if the limits were struck down pending an appeal.

  4. September 17, 2020

    Pa. Seeks Stay On Ruling That Tossed Virus Gathering Limits

    Pennsylvania's governor has urged a federal judge to hit the pause button on a decision striking down emergency coronavirus measures that closed businesses and restricted crowd sizes while the administration pursues an appeal to the Third Circuit.

  5. September 14, 2020

    Pa. Gov.'s COVID-19 Closure, Crowd Limit Rules Struck Down

    A Pennsylvania federal judge on Monday struck down emergency business closure and crowd size restrictions imposed by Gov. Tom Wolf started in the spring in a bid to help curb the ongoing spread of COVID-19.

  6. August 20, 2020

    Pa. Biz Closure Opponents Call Flea Market Settlement Unfair

    A group of Pennsylvania businesses, counties and political candidates suing over Gov. Tom Wolf's COVID-19 closure orders say a confidential settlement with the state, entered into the record Thursday, allowed tens of thousands of people to attend a flea market in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, in June, despite orders otherwise limiting public gatherings.

  7. July 22, 2020

    Businesses Liken Pa. Virus Rules To Regulatory Prison

    Ongoing restrictions placed on Pennsylvania businesses in response to the coronavirus pandemic have left entrepreneurs in a kind of regulatory prison with little hope of escape, an attorney suggested during a federal court hearing Wednesday aimed at striking down Gov. Tom Wolf's remaining rules.

  8. July 17, 2020

    Businesses, Pols Claim Unfair Treatment In Pa. Virus Closure

    Businesses, politicians and candidates for office in some of the counties surrounding Pittsburgh told a federal judge Friday that they received unfair treatment under Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf's restrictions intended to slow the COVID-19 pandemic, as they advanced a lawsuit seeking to overturn the remaining restrictions.

  9. July 10, 2020

    Pa. Gov. Says Reopening Should Scuttle Virus Closure Suit

    Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf said a federal lawsuit over his orders to close businesses due to the COVID-19 pandemic should be dismissed, in part because he had since loosened or lifted many of the restrictions the suit claimed were unconstitutional.

  10. May 29, 2020

    Pa. Counties' Challenge To Virus Shutdown Gets Fast-Tracked

    A group of southwestern Pennsylvania counties, businesses and elected officials will get a speedy hearing on their claims that Gov. Tom Wolf's COVID-19 shutdown orders violated certain constitutional rights, a Pittsburgh federal judge ordered.

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