Beatty et al v. Lamont et al

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Case Number:




Nature of Suit:

Civil Rights: Other

Multi Party Litigation:

Class Action


Jeffrey A. Meyer


  1. October 15, 2024

    Conn. AG Ends Challenge To Pay-To-Stay Prison Law

    The state of Connecticut and three people formerly imprisoned have agreed to dismiss a proposed class action challenging a 1997 law that allowed the state to bill people in prison nearly $118,000 per year for their incarceration, a figure said to result in the highest pay-to-stay bills nationwide.

  2. March 08, 2023

    Conn. Court Axes Class Action Over State's 'Pay To Stay' Law

    A federal judge in Connecticut on Monday told three former inmates they had no standing to challenge the state's attorney general over a controversial law that allows the state to sue prisoners for the costs of their incarceration.

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