The Litigation Practice Group P.C.

  1. January 30, 2024

    Trustee Sues Big Investors In Failed Calif. Debt Firm

    A court-appointed bankruptcy trustee has asked a judge to help prioritize more than $100 million in claims from investors in a defunct California debt relief law firm that has been accused of orchestrating a "Ponzi scheme" to repeatedly sell stakes in the same set of client files.

  2. September 14, 2023

    Firm's Bankruptcy Judge Skeptical Of Defense 'Histrionics'

    A new attorney for two former employees of collapsed debt relief law firm Litigation Practice Group said Thursday her clients are "collateral damage" and should be thanked instead of sued by the bankruptcy trustee, but the presiding judge warned her to "keep the histrionics down, because I know more about [your clients] than you do."

  3. July 24, 2023

    Failed Firm's Assets Sell For $84.5M Over US Trustee's Protest

    A California bankruptcy judge on Friday approved an $84.49 million sale of roughly 35,000 client files of a collapsed California debt relief law firm, the Litigation Practice Group, despite objections from the U.S. trustee that the files could not be salvaged due to the alleged illegality of the firm's business practices.

  4. July 11, 2023

    Judge Says Law Firm Sale May Lead To 'Illegal Operations'

    A bankruptcy judge is challenging a court-appointed trustee's plan to sell the assets of a collapsed California debt relief law firm, writing Monday that the firm has likely broken laws and that sale to a successor firm might facilitate "significantly illegal operations."

  5. July 10, 2023

    Disgraced Firm's 'Alter Ego' Tapped To Buy Client Files

    The trustee overseeing a bankrupt California legal practice has asked for court approval to raise about $42 million by selling some 22,000 client files to a New York law firm he previously cast as the fraudulent "alter ego" of a disbarred lawyer who has acknowledged running the Golden State firm.

  6. July 06, 2023

    Bankrupt Debt Firm Faces Fight Over Client File Sale Proposal

    The court-appointed bankruptcy trustee for collapsed California debt firm Litigation Practice Group has told the court he's close to finalizing a deal to sell thousands of client files and keep the operation running, but opponents argue the business should be shut down because it's illegal.

  7. June 13, 2023

    Debt Firm's Failure Looks Like 'Systematic Fraud,' Judge Says

    A California federal bankruptcy judge on Monday said he sees possible "systematic fraud" at a failed consumer debt firm and will issue a preliminary injunction that the firm's court-appointed bankruptcy trustee says is needed to stop the looting of its funds by other entities all secretly run by a disbarred attorney.

  8. June 09, 2023

    Disbarred Atty Secretly Ran About 6 Law Firms, Trustee Says

    The bankruptcy trustee for a collapsed California consumer debt firm has accused the disbarred attorney who helmed the operation of fraudulently transferring client accounts and other assets to about six separate law firms that he secretly also led.

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