Avid Bookshop LLC v. Taylor et al

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Case Number:



Georgia Northern

Nature of Suit:

Civil Rights: Other


Tiffany R Johnson


  1. November 20, 2024

    Ga. Judge Cuts Claims From Jail Book Policy Challenge

    A Georgia federal judge Tuesday dismissed several claims in a bookstore's lawsuit alleging a Georgia sheriff and jail commander imposed an unlawful policy of only allowing books into the county jail from authorized retailers, only keeping alive claims against the two men in their official capacities.

  2. June 03, 2024

    Ga. Sheriff Wants Bookstore Suit Over Jail Book Policy Tossed

    A Georgia sheriff and jail commander asked a Georgia federal judge to toss a lawsuit brought against them by a bookstore that alleges the jail instituted an unconstitutional and arbitrary policy of only allowing books into the county jail from "authorized retailers."

  3. May 31, 2024

    Do Jails' 'Approved Vendor' Rules Keep Out Drugs, Or Books?

    Jailhouses and other correctional facilities are increasingly banning books not because of what they say, but because of who sent them, a practice that officials say is designed to keep drugs out of facilities, but which advocates for incarcerated people say only keeps out books.

  4. March 18, 2024

    Bookseller Says Ga. Jail's Book Policy Is Unconstitutional

    A Georgia bookseller filed a federal lawsuit Friday accusing an Atlanta-area sheriff of imposing an unlawful policy that only allows books into the county jail from "authorized retailers" under the guise of security concerns, alleging the practice is arbitrary, subjective, and an "unconstitutional permitting scheme."

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