Leda Health Corporation v. Inslee et al

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Case Number:



Washington Western

Nature of Suit:

Constitutional - State Statute


David G Estudillo


  1. January 06, 2025

    Judge Rejects Rape Kit Seller's 2nd Bid To Pause Wash. Ban

    A Washington federal judge has denied a request for an injunction pending appeal by a company challenging the state's ban on the sale of "DIY" DNA collection kits for sexual assault survivors, reiterating his prior ruling that the law passes constitutional muster because it regulates conduct and not speech.

  2. October 22, 2024

    Suit Over Wash. Ban On 'DIY' Rape Evidence Kits Nixed

    A Washington federal judge has tossed a challenge to a state ban on the sale of "DIY" DNA collection kits to sexual assault survivors, rejecting a kit developer's arguments that the ban infringes on its First Amendment rights.

  3. July 29, 2024

    Wash. Says At-Home Rape Kit Law Targets Harm, Not Speech

    Washington pushed back against a company's bid to pause enforcement of a ban on the sale of "DIY" DNA collection kits to sexual assault survivors, saying the prohibition is meant to prevent victims from being tricked into thinking the kit results will stand up in court.

  4. June 27, 2024

    Rape Kit Co. Wants Wash. Ban Lifted During Free Speech Suit

    A company that sells self-administered sexual assault DNA collection kits is urging a Washington federal judge to stop the enforcement of a new state law that it claims stifles its First Amendment rights by barring the marketing of its kits as an alternative to resources offered by law enforcement and the government.

  5. June 18, 2024

    Company, States Battle In Court Over At-Home Rape Kits

    A fight is brewing in federal and state courts between a company that purports to be the nation's only purveyor of self-administered sexual assault DNA collection kits and state attorneys general who believe it is misleading sexual assault victims.

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