Koehler et al v. Infosys Technologies Limited Incorporated

  1. May 01, 2017

    Infosys Hit With Sanctions Bid In Discrimination Case

    A group of white U.S. citizens suing Infosys Technologies Ltd. Inc. over allegedly taking part in a pattern of discrimination against people who aren't South Asian on Monday asked a Wisconsin federal court to sanction the company, arguing that Infosys had neglected to preserve "highly relevant materials" in the suit.

  2. February 28, 2017

    Infosys Rebukes Cert. Motion In Reverse Discrimination Case

    Indian technology and outsourcing firm Infosys Technologies Ltd. slammed a motion to certify a class of workers alleging the company illegally gives preference to South Asian workers in hiring, promoting and firing, telling a Wisconsin federal court on Monday that the plaintiffs' statistical evidence of discrimination is lacking.

  3. December 21, 2016

    Infosys Strikes Back In 'Reverse Discrimination' Case

    Indian company Infosys Technologies Ltd. has fired back at a proposed class action by four whites alleging they suffered employment discrimination because of their non-South Asian national origin, telling a Wisconsin federal court Monday to reject the plaintiffs' bid for partial judgment.

  4. December 06, 2016

    Infosys Must Face South Asian Bias Claims, Ex-Workers Say

    Four white individuals in a putative class action who claim Infosys Technologies Ltd. discriminated against them based on their non-South Asian national origin and race urged a Wisconsin federal court on Monday not to toss the case, saying the company's alleged pervasive discrimination cannot be denied.

  5. September 26, 2016

    Infosys Seeks Quick Win In 'Reverse Discrimination' Case

    Infosys Technologies Ltd. Inc. asked a Wisconsin federal court Friday to rule in its favor in a putative class action brought by four white individuals who claim the company discriminated against them based on their non-South Asian national origin and race, saying the evidence fails to show any reverse discrimination.

  6. August 06, 2013

    Technology Firm Denies Hiring Bias, Visa Abuse Claims

    Technology and outsourcing firm Infosys Ltd. denied allegations Tuesday that it discriminated against would-be workers who weren't of South Asian descent and abused the U.S. visa system, less than a week after an unsuccessful job applicant slapped the India-based company with a putative class action hiring bias suit in Wisconsin.