Energy Future Holdings Corp.

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  1. July 29, 2016

    NextEra To Buy Bankrupt EFH In $18.4B Deal

    Clean energy-focused NextEra Energy said Friday it will buy bankrupt Energy Future Holdings and its stake in Oncor in a deal worth $18.4 billion, allowing EFH to exit Chapter 11 after an earlier restructuring plan collapsed.

  2. July 20, 2016

    EFH Judge Won't Force Mediation Ahead Of Plan Confirmation

    A Delaware bankruptcy judge on Wednesday rejected a push from a group of noteholders to force sides into mediation over complex tax issues they fear could stall the power giant's Chapter 11 exit, saying that "in no way" would the court delay the start of plan confirmation proceedings next month.

  3. July 12, 2016

    EFH Creditor Asks For Mediation Before Ch. 11 Plan Push

    One of Energy Future Holdings Corp.'s creditors asked the Delaware bankruptcy court late Monday to order the power giant's hefty lender group into mediation ahead of a plan confirmation push next month, hoping to untangle complex tax and other disputes it fears could once again stall the case.

  4. June 27, 2016

    $60M For EFH Ch. 11 Confirmation Trial Brings Fees To $350M

    Energy Future Holding's Chapter 11 confirmation trial last fall, and the runup to the proceedings, generated nearly $60 million in professional fees, bringing the running total to roughly $350 million in the massive case, the watchdog committee keeping an eye on costs told a Delaware bankruptcy judge Monday.

  5. June 24, 2016

    EFH Ch. 11 Could Stretch Into 2017 Or Beyond, Experts Say

    Even though both Energy Future Holdings Corp. and the bankruptcy court are hoping the power giant's second attempt to emerge from Chapter 11 will be swift, experts say mammoth challenges are likely to spell an extended layover in bankruptcy with little chance of exiting before year's end.

  6. June 17, 2016

    EFH Senior Noteholders Appeal Denial Of Make-Whole Demand

    First-lien Energy Future Holdings Corp. noteholders on Friday appealed to the Delaware district court a bankruptcy judge's decision this month that junior noteholders aren't obligated to turn over part of their recoveries to them as a make-whole premium.

  7. June 16, 2016

    EFH Can Solicit T-Side On Ch. 11 Plan Despite Tax Worries

    A Delaware bankruptcy judge gave Energy Future Holdings Corp. the nod Thursday to solicit approval from so-called T-side creditors on its new Chapter 11 plan, despite the looming specter of a $4 billion tax bill if the U.S. Internal Revenue Service doesn't rule in the power giant's favor.

  8. June 10, 2016

    EFH Warns Of $4B Tax Bill For Creditors

    The IRS does not appear keen on Energy Future Holding Corp.'s request to exempt a planned spinoff from taxable income, the troubled power giant warned creditors in Delaware bankruptcy court Friday, an exemption that if denied could see them saddled with a $4 billion tax bill.

  9. June 03, 2016

    EFH Judge Nixes First-Lien Make-Whole Demand From Juniors

    A Delaware bankruptcy judge ruled Friday that certain of Energy Future Holding Corp.'s junior noteholders do not have to shell out a make-whole payment to first-lien noteholders because an earlier decision prevented the event that would trigger such an obligation.

  10. May 31, 2016

    BNY Says EFH Disclosure Lacking On $1B Debt, $9M Wipeout

    Bank of New York Mellon challenged Energy Future Holdings Corp.'s newly amended Chapter 11 disclosure statement Friday in Delaware federal court, calling portions inadequate and saying it fails to detail recoveries for a holders of $1.1 billion in bonds or explain why a separate $9 million BNY claim gets wiped out.