Noris Babb, Petitioner v. Robert Wilkie, Secretary of Veterans Affairs

  1. April 01, 2021

    11th Circ. Ties High Court's New Age Bias Test To Title VII

    The Eleventh Circuit on Thursday extended the U.S. Supreme Court's plaintiff-friendly standard for federal workers' Age Discrimination in Employment Act suits to their claims under Title VII, breathing new life into allegations by a pharmacist who last year convinced the justices to see the ADEA her way.

  2. July 10, 2020

    High Court's LGBT Bias Blockbuster Headlines Packed Term

    While the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark ruling that federal civil rights law protects LGBTQ employees resolved a closely watched question that had been brewing for years, the justices also devoted time to workplace law issues like religious employers' rights and causation standards in civil rights cases. Here, Law360 looks at five of the high court's most notable employment decisions this term.

  3. April 06, 2020

    Federal Workers Can Sue Over 'Any' Age Bias, Justices Rule

    The U.S. Supreme Court held Monday that the Age Discrimination in Employment Act allows federal employees to sue over any age bias that creeps into an adverse employment action, not just in cases where that bias is the determining factor behind a decision.

  4. January 23, 2020

    Solicitor General Weighs In On Age Bias High Court Case

    The solicitor general told the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday that the federal government has a myriad of ways to remedy age bias in the workplace other than the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, but the federal employee who filed the suit said that law is the only substantive way to get judicial relief.

  5. January 17, 2020

    Supreme Court Calls For More Briefing After ADEA Hearing

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday ordered the parties in a federal age discrimination case to file supplemental briefs about alternative ways to remedy age bias in the workplace other than the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, just days after the court heard oral arguments.

  6. January 15, 2020

    Roberts Wonders If Workers Can Sue Over 'OK, Boomer'

    Chief Justice John Roberts suggested in court Wednesday that an attorney's position would allow older workers to sue over use of the popular internet put-down "OK, Boomer," indicating he didn't want an anti-age discrimination statute to be "really just a regulation of speech in the workplace."

  7. January 10, 2020

    Up Next At High Court: 'Bridgegate,' Trademarks, Age Bias

    The Supreme Court will jump-start 2020 this week with oral arguments about the notorious New Jersey "Bridgegate" traffic scandal and more esoteric legal subjects like claim preclusion and pleading standards. Here's what to expect.

  8. October 04, 2019

    High Court Gets Back To Work: Employment Cases To Watch

    The U.S. Supreme Court kicks off its new term Monday, and while a closely watched LGBT rights case is expected to be the main event for workplace law observers, the high court has plenty of other notable employment cases on the docket. Here, experts look at a handful of pending employment cases attorneys ought to be keeping tabs on.

  9. June 28, 2019

    Justices To Mull Requirements For Fed. Worker ADEA Claims

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to weigh in on whether a federal worker has to show that a challenged action from an employer wouldn't have occurred if it wasn't for the employee's age in order to successfully plead a claim under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.