Huang v. Ohio State University et al

  1. May 31, 2023

    6th Circ. To Hear Ohio State Grad Student's Harassment Case

    The Sixth Circuit will take a look at a sexual harassment and retaliation case brought against Ohio State University and one of its engineering professors, according to new filings that come after the school took an early win and a federal jury decided in the professor's favor.

  2. May 05, 2023

    Ohio Jury Clears OSU Prof In Grad Student's Harassment Suit

    An Ohio federal jury ruled in favor of an Ohio State University engineering professor Friday in a graduate student's lawsuit claiming he sexually harassed her while working with her on an automotive research project and serving as her Ph.D. adviser.

  3. November 04, 2022

    Ohio State Avoids PhD Student's Sex Harassment Suit

    The Ohio State University doesn't have to face a suit alleging that it didn't properly investigate after a graduate research associate reported being sexually harassed by her Ph.D. adviser, after a federal judge Friday said she failed to show that the school took any action against her because of her complaint.

  4. November 04, 2020

    Magistrate Won't Be Bumped From OSU Harassment Suit

    An Ohio federal judge Wednesday upheld a decision that a magistrate judge's recent work as an adjunct professor at Ohio State University's law school does not disqualify that judge from presiding over a former OSU graduate student's sexual harassment suit against the university and an engineering professor.

  5. October 27, 2020

    Judge Won't Exit OSU Sex Harassment Suit Over Adjunct Job

    An Ohio federal magistrate judge has determined that her recent work as an adjunct professor at Ohio State University's Moritz College of Law does not disqualify her from presiding over a former OSU graduate student's sexual harassment suit against the university.

  6. October 15, 2020

    Judge's Law School Gig Questioned In Sex Harassment Suit

    A former Ohio State University graduate student is seeking the recusal of the federal magistrate judge overseeing her sexual harassment suit against the university because the judge's employment with the college as an adjunct law professor raises conflicts of interest.