Doe v. Catholic Relief Services

  1. August 16, 2023

    3 Things To Know About Md. Justices' Sex Bias Ruling

    A recent Maryland Supreme Court ruling that sex and sexual orientation are separate protected categories means that two of the state's cornerstone anti-discrimination laws now differ in their protection of gay workers, a legal oddity that lawmakers might quickly look to address, experts say. Here, Law360 looks at three things to know about the Maryland high court's ruling. 

  2. July 19, 2023

    3 Religious Rights Cases To Watch In The 2nd Half Of 2023

    The Fourth Circuit will hear arguments in a Catholic school's challenge to a gay teacher's discrimination suit win, and the top courts in New Jersey and Maryland will soon decide the scope of legal exemptions that shield religious organizations from discrimination claims. Here, Law360 looks at three cases pitting religious rights against anti-discrimination law that attorneys should keep an eye on.

  3. August 04, 2022

    Gay Catholic Charity Worker Gets Partial Win In Sex Bias Suit

    A Maryland federal judge granted a data analyst a partial victory on claims that Catholic Relief Services violated federal and state laws when it canceled his husband's health insurance because the marriage violates Catholic values, ruling that religious organizations are not excused from anti-discrimination statutes.