Lewis-Williams et al v. San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District

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Case overview

Case Number:


See also:


California Northern

Nature of Suit:

Civil Rights: Jobs

Multi Party Litigation:

Class Action


William Alsup


  1. March 07, 2025

    Calif. Forecast: SF Transit Agency Seeks Vax Judgment Stay

    In the coming week, attorneys should keep an eye out for the potential stay of a judgment pending an appeal in a vaccine mandate case against San Francisco's rapid transit agency. Here's a look at that case and other labor and employment matters coming up in California.

  2. December 18, 2024

    5 Key Decisions In COVID-19 Vaccine Battles From 2024

    Early challenges to workplace COVID-19 vaccine mandates were largely unsuccessful, but pro-plaintiff rulings and verdicts from 2024 showed that employers should give workers broad deference, particularly when it comes to religious objections to vaccines. Here, Law360 looks back at five noteworthy developments that came down this year in vaccination cases.

  3. December 06, 2024

    Calif. Forecast: Bay Area Transit Agency Seeks Vax Trial Redo

    In the coming week, attorneys should watch for a potential ruling on a motion for judgment or a new trial in a COVID-19 vaccination mandate case by San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District workers. Here's a look at that case and other labor and employment matters on deck in California.

  4. October 23, 2024

    Jury Awards Fired SF Rail Workers Over $7.8M In Vax Trial

    A California federal jury on Wednesday awarded combined damages of more than $7.8 million to six former Bay Area Rapid Transit District employees after finding the rail agency committed religious discrimination by refusing to exempt them from a COVID-19 vaccination mandate.

  5. October 18, 2024

    Fired SF Rail Workers Win First Phase Of Vax Mandate Trial

    A California federal jury on Friday ruled that the Bay Area Rapid Transit District didn't prove it tried to accommodate six unvaccinated employees the agency fired during the COVID-19 pandemic, pushing the trial to a second phase over whether the workers had a "sincerely held" religious belief against being vaccinated.

  6. October 16, 2024

    Rail Agency Fired Vax Objectors In 'Sham Process,' Jury Told

    Counsel for six fired San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District workers delivered opening statements Wednesday in a new trial over allegations BART discriminated against employees who sought religious exemptions from its COVID-19 vaccination mandate, calling the agency's review of their requests a "sham process."

  7. October 11, 2024

    Calif. Forecast: $12M PNC Wage Deal Heads To Judge

    In the coming week, attorneys should keep an eye out for the potential final approval of a nearly $12 million deal to resolve a wage and hour class action against PNC Bank NA. Here's a look at that case and other labor and employment matters coming up in California.

  8. July 17, 2024

    SF Vax-Mandate Case Will Go To New Jury After Partial Verdict

    A California federal jury considering claims that the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District discriminated against employees who sought religious exemptions from the train agency's COVID-19 mandate rendered a partial verdict Wednesday but hung on a key question, leaving the case unresolved and setting the stage for another trial.

  9. July 09, 2024

    Ex-SF Transit Worker Tearfully Tells Of Vax-Mandate Firing

    A former San Francisco Bay Area train system police department member who claims the transit agency religiously discriminated with its COVID-19 vaccination mandate testified tearfully on Tuesday that he felt guilt and anxiety after losing his job, saying his family almost had to sell their home.

  10. February 23, 2024

    Calif. Forecast: Court Weighs Bay Area Transit Vax Mandate

    In the coming week, attorneys should keep an eye out for a potential ruling on summary judgment bids in a religious discrimination case involving former San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District workers. Here's a look at that case and other labor and employment matters on deck in California.