August Dekker, et al v. Secretary, Florida Agency for Health Care Administ

  1. May 01, 2024

    Ala., Fla. Trans Patients Urge 11th Circ. To Heed Bias Ruling

    Attorneys representing transgender clients in Florida and Alabama have urged the Eleventh Circuit to heed a recent Fourth Circuit ruling striking down bans on state-funded coverage for gender-affirming medical care, saying the court ruled that the state policies violate federal law because their exclusions were based on gender identity and sex.

  2. January 18, 2024

    Fla. Trans Medicaid Ban Is Based On Diagnosis, 11th Circ. Told

    Florida officials urged the Eleventh Circuit on Thursday to uphold the ban on Medicaid payments for gender-affirming treatments under the state-run health program for low-income residents, saying that the prohibition is not based on sex and that federal law allows the state to regulate such treatments based on diagnosis.