Flying Food Group, LLC v. The City of Los Angeles et al

  1. March 14, 2025

    LA Lands Deal With Airline Caterer To End Wage Law Dispute

    An airline caterer accused of violating a Los Angeles city ordinance through its pay practices told a California federal court it resolved its dispute with the city, which had launched an investigation, after the caterer settled claims with a class of employees, according to City Council meeting records.

  2. January 11, 2024

    Los Angeles Seeks End To Airline Caterer's Wage Law Fight

    The City of Los Angeles called on a federal judge to dismiss an airline meal provider's claims that a local wage law doesn't apply to the company's workers outside the city, contending that federal labor law does not preempt the enforcement of the local statute.

  3. October 31, 2023

    Caterer Says LA Wage Law Enforcement Disrupts Bargaining

    An Inglewood, California-based airline meal provider accused the city of Los Angeles of improperly attempting to impose its wage requirements outside city limits and of interfering with collective bargaining processes in a complaint filed in California federal court.