January 15, 2025
Several U.S. Supreme Court justices on Wednesday focused on how a decadesold brick-and-mortar precedent applies to a Texas law requiring age verification on porn websites while struggling to reconcile technological advancements with First Amendment protections.
January 14, 2025
Texas' push before the U.S. Supreme Court for a relaxed standard of judicial review in First Amendment cases is unlikely to come to fruition, as decades of precedent work against the state's law requiring age verification on pornography sites.
January 11, 2025
The U.S. Supreme Court will return to the bench Monday for a full argument session, in which the justices will debate whether a Texas law requiring pornography websites to verify their visitors aren't minors violates the First Amendment and if retirees have the right to sue former employers for benefits discrimination.
January 01, 2025
The U.S. Supreme Court justices will return from the winter holidays to tackle major First Amendment questions and several administrative law disputes — all arising from the Fifth Circuit — that could further change how federal agencies promulgate rules and defend them.
November 15, 2024
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton told the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday that a state law requiring visitors to prove their age before accessing content on certain adult-oriented websites is tailored in the most "modest" way possible to address a "public health crisis."
April 16, 2024
Texas' law requiring all visitors to adult-oriented websites to prove their age before accessing the content is unconstitutional under the First Amendment, a trade group for the pornography industry told the U.S. Supreme Court, seeking to overturn a split Fifth Circuit decision that allowed the age-verification requirement to go into effect.