USA v. Shkreli et al

  1. July 26, 2018

    Shkreli Atty Deserves At Least 5 Years In Prison, Feds Say

    A former Katten Muchin Rosenman attorney convicted by a Brooklyn jury on conspiracy charges last year deserves at least five years in prison for aiding "pharma bro" Martin Shkreli in a scheme to defraud hedge fund investors, the federal government argued Wednesday in a sentencing memorandum.

  2. July 17, 2018

    Ex-Katten Atty Says Prison Unnecessary For Shkreli Fraud

    A former Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP attorney is seeking to evade prison time after a federal jury in Brooklyn convicted him on conspiracy charges last year, pushing more than 180 letters on the court Monday as a testament of his character and arguing that the losses suffered and his role in the conspiracy were minor.

  3. June 18, 2018

    Feds Downplay Testimony From Ex-Katten Atty's Loss Expert

    Brooklyn federal prosecutors sought to counter a bid by former Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP attorney Evan Greebel to reduce his potential sentence for fraud conspiracy on Monday, asking an expert witness questions that seemed meant to diminish his testimony on legal issues faced by life sciences startups.

  4. May 31, 2018

    Ex-Katten Atty's Inflation Claim Lacks Evidence, Feds Say

    New York federal prosecutors on Thursday shot back at former Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP attorney Evan Greebel's claims that losses suffered by the Martin Shkreli-founded Retrophin Inc. are vastly overinflated, saying the $14 million figure accurately represents the losses he caused and urging the court to block his experts' testimony.

  5. May 15, 2018

    Ex-Katten Atty Says Gov't Inflating Retrophin Losses

    New York federal prosecutors and attorneys for former Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP attorney Evan Greebel have argued starkly different takes on losses suffered by Martin Shkreli-founded Retrophin Inc., with Greebel deeming the government's $14.4 million figure vastly overinflated.

  6. April 10, 2018

    Shkreli Must Repay Investor $388K Over Property Deal Woes

    Convicted pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli owes an investor who put $200,000 into Shkreli's hedge fund nearly twice that amount since the investor lost money on a real estate deal while his cash was tied up, a Brooklyn federal judge ruled Monday.

  7. March 30, 2018

    Ex-Katten Atty Should Hand Over A Half-Million, Feds Say

    Brooklyn federal prosecutors on Thursday said former Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP attorney Evan Greebel should hand over nearly a half-million dollars after being convicted of helping notorious pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli steal from Retrophin Inc. and manipulate its stock price, saying the amount represents his compensation from Katten that's tied to his misdeeds.

  8. March 26, 2018

    Shkreli To Appeal Fraud Conviction, 7-Year Prison Sentence

    Former pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli notified a New York federal court Monday that he plans to appeal his conviction and prison sentence for defrauding investors in his hedge funds and manipulating the stock price of biotech Retrophin Inc.

  9. March 21, 2018

    Gov't Slams Ex-Katten Atty's Move To Nix Conviction

    Brooklyn federal prosecutors on Wednesday tore into former Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP attorney Evan Greebel's attempt to undo his conviction or get a new trial for purportedly aiding Martin Shkreli's various securities fraud scams, ripping his claims of insufficient evidence, bad evidentiary rulings and juror misconduct.

  10. March 09, 2018

    Shkreli Gets 7 Years In Prison For Securities Fraud

    Notorious former pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli was sentenced Friday to seven years in prison on his conviction for defrauding investors in his ailing hedge funds and conspiring to game biotech Retrophin Inc.'s stock price to pay off his debts.