USA v. Shkreli et al

  1. January 05, 2018

    Jury Misconduct Claimed In Ex-Katten Atty Trial

    The conviction of former Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP attorney Evan Greebel for aiding Martin Shkreli's alleged frauds was called into question on Friday after the trial judge said that one of the jurors reported that he had been coerced into voting guilty.

  2. December 21, 2017

    Ex-Katten Atty Cites 'Walls' Of Doubt As Trial Nears End

    A lawyer for former Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP attorney Evan Greebel on Thursday made an impassioned plea to jurors weighing conspiracy charges against Greebel for a Martin Shkreli-connected fraud scheme, telling them that "walls" of reasonable doubt stand in the way of a guilty verdict.

  3. December 20, 2017

    Greebel 'Greased Wheels' For Shkreli, Feds Say At Closing

    If Martin Shkreli was the prime mover behind a multifaceted scheme to rip off his pharmaceutical company, then lawyer Evan Greebel was in charge of "greasing the wheels" with his corporate acumen, legal sleight of hand, and misguided allegiance to Shkreli, New York federal prosecutors told a jury Wednesday.

  4. December 14, 2017

    Gov't Misconduct Claims Blocked From Ex-Katten Atty Trial

    A Brooklyn federal judge on Thursday refused to allow allegations of government misconduct to be heard by jurors in the fraud trial of former Katten Muchin attorney Evan Greebel, after revealing that a witness claims a prosecutor told him to change his story, drop his legal action against Retrophin Inc. and pay the pharmaceutical company $170,000.

  5. December 13, 2017

    Ex-Katten Atty Trial Halted Over 'Career-Ending' Claims

    The Martin Shkreli-linked fraud trial of former Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP attorney Evan Greebel came to a screeching halt Wednesday, over unidentified "potentially career-ending" claims raised by Greebel's lawyers involving an unnamed government official.

  6. December 11, 2017

    Ex-Katten Atty's Expert Defends No-Work Consulting Deals

    An executive compensation expert on Monday told the jury in the fraud trial of former Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP attorney Evan Greebel that there's nothing unusual about consulting deals that don't involve much consulting, as the defense sought to refute a central theory of the government's case.

  7. December 08, 2017

    Katten Atty Says He Never Saw Greebel Break The Law

    A onetime colleague of former Katten Muchin corporate attorney and fraud defendant Evan Greebel who was retained to handle a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission investigation into one of Martin Shkreli's hedge funds told a Brooklyn federal jury on Friday that he never saw Greebel do anything illegal.

  8. December 07, 2017

    Ex-Katten Atty Was Corporate Ace At Firm, Jury Hears

    A former Katten Muchin lawyer and mentor to ex-Katten partner and accused fraudster Evan Greebel on Thursday told a Brooklyn federal jury in the fraud trial of how Greebel was a rainmaker in the firm's corporate department with multiple big league clients, as the defense sought to blunt the government's theory of motive. 

  9. December 06, 2017

    Prosecution In Greebel Case Rests After Hearing Last Witness

    The prosecution rested Wednesday in the fraud trial against a former Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP partner who worked with Martin Shkreli, and the defense made an immediate motion for acquittal, launching a two-hour argument that ran straight through lunchtime.

  10. December 04, 2017

    FBI Pressured Witness With Surprise Visit, Greebel Atty Says

    An attorney for former Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP attorney Evan Greebel told the New York federal judge overseeing his fraud trial Monday that federal agents had improperly pressured a potential defense witness by arriving unannounced at his apartment door.