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International Arbitration
October 02, 2024
2nd Circ. Won't Nix Amazon Awards Against Chinese Sellers
A pair of Chinese third-party sellers were unable to convince the Second Circuit to vacate arbitral awards favoring Amazon after the sellers allegedly bribed customers for positive reviews, with the appeals court rejecting their argument that the arbitrators manifestly disregarded the law.
October 02, 2024
BRG Hires Alvarez & Marsal Arbitration Pro In Houston
Global consulting firm Berkeley Research Group said Wednesday it has added an arbitration expert from consultant Alvarez & Marsal Holdings LLC to its international arbitration and cross-border disputes offerings, as well as its energy and climate practice.
October 02, 2024
Wells Fargo, AAA Misrepresent Arbitration Process, Suit Says
Wells Fargo and the American Arbitration Association have been hit with a proposed class action accusing them of colluding to fraudulently induce consumers into accepting a fundamentally unfair arbitration process, thereby giving up their right to litigate claims over allegedly unfair overdraft fees.
October 02, 2024
GNC Wins $45M In Awards Against Asian Franchisees
GNC Holdings LLC has said the International Centre for Dispute Resolution informed the health and wellness company of nearly $45 million it has won in arbitral awards against franchisees located in Singapore and the Philippines.
October 02, 2024
Quinn Emanuel Can't Ignore Past Oro Negro Ties, Oil Co. Says
Oro Negro Drilling Pte. Ltd. said former counsel Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP must produce confidential information in a discovery bid to disqualify its attorneys in Mexican proceedings.
October 02, 2024
Quinn Emanuel Says It Can't Give Source Of Deripaska Report
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP told a court Wednesday that the source of a report suggesting that Russian industrialist Oleg Deripaska misled arbitrators during a dispute with a former business partner was privileged information.
October 01, 2024
Lighting Co. Faces Arbitration Bid In Spat Over $100M Verdict
Lighting company Signify North America Corp. must arbitrate its bid to get its business partner Rexel USA Inc. to cover a record-breaking personal injury verdict for a warehouse employee paralyzed by a co-worker with a history of using heroin on the job, the latter company said in a Connecticut state court lawsuit.
October 01, 2024
Complications Again Delay Citgo Sales Hearing In Delaware
A federal judge in Delaware on Tuesday further delayed a forthcoming auction of Citgo's parent company to satisfy billions of dollars in Venezuelan debt, and he ordered additional briefing as he grapples with parallel litigation that allegedly threatens to undermine the sale process.
October 01, 2024
Insurers Say $40M Hurricane Claims Must Be Arbitrated
A group of insurers led by certain underwriters at Lloyd's, London urged a Louisiana federal court to reject a group of property owners' "last-ditch effort" to avoid arbitrating their hurricane damage claims totaling over $40 million, arguing the owners "don't dispute" that the arbitration provision in their policy is enforceable.
October 01, 2024
Final Artwork Tossed From Nazi-Looted Hungarian Art Suit
A D.C. federal judge has dismissed a family's claim to a 16th century sculpture believed to have been seized by Nazi officers during the German occupation of Hungary, the final artwork at issue in long-running litigation to recover an expansive art collection stolen during the Holocaust.
September 30, 2024
DC Circ. NextEra Decision Leaves Door Open For Further Args
The D.C. Circuit effectively kicked the can down the road in August when it nixed Spain's jurisdictional objections in litigation to enforce some $395 million in arbitral awards while declining to issue a merits decision, setting up an enforcement battle that could turn on the underlying arbitration regime.
September 30, 2024
Webuild Escapes Suit Over $140M Award In Delaware
Italian construction giant Webuild has skirted a Chilean construction company's bid to enforce a $140 million arbitral award arising from a soured hospital construction project in the Chilean capital of Santiago, after a Delaware federal judge nixed the case on jurisdictional grounds.
September 30, 2024
Reinsurer Loses Appeal Over £69M COVID Catastrophe Claim
An Italian reinsurer has lost its challenge against French insurer Covéa Insurance PLC's COVID-19 business interruption claim, with a London appellate court on Monday upholding findings that the pandemic met the definition of "catastrophe" used in the policy.
September 27, 2024
Elliot Unit To Pay $7.29B As Citgo Parent Co. Sale Looms
An affiliate of hedge fund Elliott Investment Management LP has emerged as the successful bidder in an upcoming auction of Citgo's parent company aimed at satisfying billions of dollars in Venezuelan debt, agreeing to pay $7.286 billion to purchase the shares in PDV Holding Inc.
September 27, 2024
Warner Bros. Reneged On 'Harry Potter' Series Deal, Sky Says
Warner Bros. Discovery has not held up its end of an exclusive rights agreement with Comcast's European subsidiary Sky to co-produce premium content, including a new television series based on the iconic "Harry Potter" novels, according to a lawsuit filed Friday in New York federal court.
September 27, 2024
La. Property Owners Fight Arbitration Of $40M Coverage Row
Dozens of companies seeking insurance payouts for damage caused by hurricanes Ida and Zeta urged a Louisiana federal court not to push their $40 million suit to arbitration, pointing to a clause in their policy allowing them to bring suit over money owed in any U.S. court.
September 26, 2024
EU Says DC Circ. Must Reconsider $395M Spain Award Suits
The European Commission has urged the D.C. Circuit to reconsider its decision that U.S. district courts have jurisdiction to enforce about $395 million in arbitral awards issued against European Union member state Spain by private tribunals convened under the Energy Charter Treaty.
September 26, 2024
Spain Can't Escape $26M Award, DC Judge Rules
A D.C. federal judge on Thursday enforced a €23.5 million ($26.3 million) arbitral award issued against Spain after the country dialed back its renewable energy incentives, rejecting Madrid's argument that the tribunal had infringed the authority of European Union courts.
September 26, 2024
Dominican Airport Co. Says Project Feud Must Be Arbitrated
The operator of airports in the Dominican Republic has urged a Puerto Rico federal court to compel a food-and-beverage concessionaire to resolve its multimillion-dollar claims against it in arbitration following an ill-fated expansion project at the country's main airport.
September 26, 2024
Tribunal Halts $52.8M German Tax Collection Against Oil Cos.
German tax authorities shouldn't collect a windfall profits tax totaling at least €47.2 million ($52.8 million) from two oil refineries before the dispute has been litigated, a tribunal of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes said.
September 25, 2024
Gramercy Tells Del. Court Don't Capitulate To Citgo Bidders
Hedge fund Gramercy is fighting a bid to halt litigation it filed in Texas and New York to collect on certain Venezuelan debt, telling a Delaware judge that it's just one entity in a sea of Venezuela's creditors pursuing litigation that could impact an upcoming sale of Citgo's parent company.
September 25, 2024
Power Plant Insurers Take GE Arbitration Fight To 11th Circ.
Insurers for an Algerian power plant that sustained losses from a defective gas turbine told an Eleventh Circuit panel Wednesday that a lower court wrongly forced arbitration, arguing it was not subject to that provision as a third-party beneficiary in a services contract with General Electric.
September 25, 2024
UpHealth Wins Most Of $115M Award In Glocal Merger Dispute
Bankrupt digital health services company UpHealth can enforce a large part of a $115 million arbitral award against the Indian healthcare services platform Glocal in their feud over an ill-fated merger, an Illinois federal judge has ruled.
September 25, 2024
US Steel Clears One Hurdle In $14B Nippon Steel Deal
An arbitration board has sided with U.S. Steel amid its union's challenge to a planned $14.9 billion acquisition by Nippon Steel, clearing one hurdle while Nippon continues fighting on another front for approval from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S.
September 25, 2024
Peru's Telecom Co. Can Fight $168M Awards, Judge Says
A D.C. federal judge enforced about $168 million in arbitral awards against Peru following a dispute over a broadband infrastructure installation project after the country ignored the litigation for nearly two years, though he agreed to hear arguments from a state-owned entity that's fighting the awards.
Expert Analysis
The Pop Culture Docket: Judge Djerassi On Super Bowl 52
Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Judge Ramy Djerassi discusses how Super Bowl 52, in which the Philadelphia Eagles prevailed over the New England Patriots, provides an apt metaphor for alternative dispute resolution processes in commercial business cases.
Employee Experience Strategy Can Boost Law Firm Success
Amid continuing business uncertainty, law firms should consider adopting a holistic employee experience strategy — prioritizing consistency, targeting signature moments and leveraging measurement tools — to maximize productivity and profitability, says Haley Revel at Calibrate Consulting.
Competing In Triathlons Makes Me A Better Lawyer
While practicing law and competing in long-distance triathlons can make work and life feel unbalanced at times, participating in the sport has revealed important lessons about versatility, self-care and perseverance that apply to the office as much as they do the racecourse, says Laura Heusel at Butler Snow.
Where Justices Stand On Chevron Doctrine Post-Argument
Following recent oral argument at the U.S. Supreme Court, at least four justices appear to be in favor of overturning the long-standing Chevron deference, and three justices seem ready to uphold it, which means the ultimate decision may rest on Chief Justice John Roberts' vote, say Wayne D'Angelo and Zachary Lee at Kelley Drye.
6 Practice Pointers For Pro Bono Immigration Practice
An attorney taking on their first pro bono immigration matter may find the law and procedures beguiling, but understanding key deadlines, the significance of individual immigration judges' rules and specialized aspects of the practice can help avoid common missteps, says Steven Malm at Haynes Boone.
Lessons From Country Singer's Personal Service Saga
Recent reports that country singer Luke Combs won a judgment against a Florida woman who didn’t receive notice of the counterfeit suit against her should serve as a reminder for attorneys on best practices for effectuating service by electronic means, say attorneys at Jenner & Block.
Key Litigation Funding Rulings Will Drive Reform In 2024
Ground-breaking judgments on disputes funding and fee arrangements from 2023 — including that litigation funding agreements could be damages-based agreements, rendering them unenforceable — will bring legislative changes in 2024, which could have a substantial impact on litigation risk for several sectors, say Verity Jackson-Grant and David Bridge at Simmons & Simmons.
Will Justices Settle Decades-Old Split On Arbitrator Conflicts?
Whether an arbitrator's failure to disclose a potential conflict of interest is sufficient grounds to vacate an arbitration award is the subject of an almost 60-year-old circuit split that the U.S. Supreme Court is positioned to resolve if it grants cert in either of two writs pending before it, say attorneys at Norton Rose.
Protections May Exist For Cos. Affected By Red Sea Attacks
Companies whose ships or cargo have been affected by the evolving military conflict in the Red Sea, and the countries under whose flags those ships were traveling, may be able to seek redress through legal action against Yemen or Iran under certain international law mechanisms, say attorneys at Alston & Bird.
Baking Bread Makes Me A Better Lawyer
After many years practicing law, and a few years baking bread, I have learned that there are a few keys to success in both endeavors, including the assembly of a nourishing and resilient culture, and the ability to learn from failure and exercise patience, says Rick Robinson at Reed Smith.
Federal Courts And AI Standing Orders: Safety Or Overkill?
Several district court judges have issued standing orders regulating the use of artificial intelligence in their courts, but courts should consider following ordinary notice and comment procedures before implementing sweeping mandates that could be unnecessarily burdensome and counterproductive, say attorneys at Curtis.
Wachtell-X Ruling Highlights Trend On Arbitrability Question
A growing body of case law, including a California state court's recent decision in X Corp. v. Wachtell, holds that incorporation of specific arbitral body rules in an arbitration provision may in and of itself constitute clear and unmistakable evidence of delegation of arbitrability to an arbitrator, and thus such clauses should be drafted carefully, say attorneys at Norton Rose.
7 E-Discovery Predictions For 2024 And Beyond
The legal and technical issues of e-discovery now affect virtually every lawsuit, and in the year to come, practitioners can expect practices and policies to evolve in a number of ways, from the expanded use of relevancy redactions to mandated information security provisions in protective orders, say attorneys at Littler.
4 International Arbitration Trends To Monitor In 2024
Global growth slowed substantially in 2023, and may continue into 2024 due to geopolitical instability, which could fuel four key trends in international arbitration in the coming year, including investor-state and commercial arbitration, an increase in arbitration out of China, and more, say Gregory Litt and Sharmistha Chakrabarti at Skadden.
5 Litigation Funding Trends To Note In 2024
Over the next year and beyond, litigation funding will continue to evolve in ways that affect attorneys and the larger litigation landscape, from the growth of a secondary market for funded claims, to rising interest rates restricting the availability of capital, says Jeffery Lula at GLS Capital.