Legal Ethics

  • March 29, 2025

    Up Next At High Court: Terror Liability, Health Provider Choice

    The U.S. Supreme Court will return to the bench this week to consider whether a federal law subjecting Palestinian government organizations to federal jurisdiction violates due process principles and if the Medicaid Act's provider choice provision allows individual benefit recipients to sue states over the disqualification of healthcare providers. 

  • March 28, 2025

    Judge Blocks Bid To 'Hijack' $44M Ga. Realtor Settlement

    A Georgia federal judge on Friday rejected a bid by the plaintiffs who brought a series of landmark fee inflation claims against the National Association of Realtors and major brokerages to intervene in a similar Peach State action, putting their bid to block an alleged lowball settlement on ice.

  • March 28, 2025

    Failed Software Secrets Case Costs MasterCard Unit $2.8M

    A federal judge in Utah has ordered a MasterCard unit to cough up over $2.8 million in legal fees for "aggressively" litigating an "objectively specious" trade secrets suit against two McKinsey consultants who went on to found one of MasterCard's only serious rivals in a corner of the business analytics software market.

  • March 28, 2025

    TSI Ch. 7 Trustee Opposes Exit Of Atty Facing Sanctions

    A Chapter 7 trustee in the case of government contractor Team Systems International is opposing the withdrawal of law firm Cross & Simon from its representation of the defendants in ongoing adversary proceedings, arguing that one of the firm's lawyers is facing $240,000 in sanctions for his conduct and the firm may face additional sanctions for submitting an AI-generated motion that includes fabricated citations.

  • March 28, 2025

    Judge Won't End Atty Dispute Over Beirut Bombing Suit

    A federal judge declined to give a Maryland law firm a pretrial win in a lawsuit brought by two Houston attorneys who accused it of unfairly terminating a joint venture for litigation over the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing.

  • March 28, 2025

    Tubi Says Keller Postman Breached Deal In Arbitration Fight

    The D.C. federal judge overseeing video streaming service Tubi Inc.'s tortious interference suit against Keller Postman LLC over mass arbitration claims ordered the parties on Friday to schedule a status conference for next month, in light of Tubi's claims that the firm violated an agreement.

  • March 28, 2025

    No Admission Needed For Conn. Atty To Use Anti-SLAPP Law

    A Connecticut attorney and his Hartford firm weren't required to admit that they engaged in allegedly disparaging speech against a former employee in order to use the anti-SLAPP statute in their attempt to toss the case, a state appeals court ruled Friday in a matter of first impression. 

  • March 28, 2025

    Shutts & Bowen Accused Of Sinking Florida Country Club Sale

    A real estate corporation is suing Florida firm Shutts & Bowen LLP and one of its partners for malpractice, alleging that as part of a fee dispute, they scuttled a deal for the sale of a country club that the business had been negotiating.

  • March 28, 2025

    3rd Circ. Preview: April Arguments Feature Class Action Rows

    The Third Circuit's April argument lineup springs into action with securities litigation brought by Walmart investors claiming they were misled about the government's opioid investigation into the company, and a bid to upend an attorney fee award stemming from the settlement of data breach litigation against convenience store chain Wawa.

  • March 28, 2025

    NC Atty Can't Shield Bank Docs From Tycoon In Hacking Suit

    A North Carolina attorney and former FBI agent can't stop aviation tycoon Farhad Azima from parsing through his bank records as part of an international hacking conspiracy case, a federal judge said Friday, though he did limit the scope of the records Azima sought.

  • March 28, 2025

    NJ Law Firm Beats DQ Bid Over Atty's Indictment

    The indictment of Brown & Connery LLP senior partner William Tambussi on since-dismissed racketeering charges does not create a conflict of interest that would require the firm to stop representing New Jersey in an employee retaliation lawsuit, a state appellate court has ruled.

  • March 28, 2025

    Ohio Judge Admits To Steering Receivership Work To Friend

    Ohio's judicial disciplinary panel on Friday tossed objections to an ethics grievance filed against a family court judge, after the judge admitted she jockeyed for divorce cases in other judges' courts and funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of work to her friend, a court-appointed receiver with whom she said she had fallen in love.

  • March 28, 2025

    Attorney Accused Of Tax Scam Wants Opposing Counsel Cut

    An attorney accused by a precious metals dealer's partnership of selling it a tax scam asked a Colorado federal court to disqualify the partnership's attorney from the case, saying the lawyer has a conflict because he formerly represented her.

  • March 28, 2025

    Judges Block Trump's Jenner & Block, WilmerHale Orders

    Jenner & Block LLP and WilmerHale both won temporary restraining orders late Friday blocking President Donald Trump's executive orders targeting the firms, with two Washington, D.C., federal judges determining the firms have shown the orders are likely retaliation for their representation of certain clients.

  • March 27, 2025

    Trade Court Skewers ITC Over Secretive Redaction Policy

    The U.S. Court of International Trade issued a stinging rebuke of the U.S. International Trade Commission Thursday, clarifying disclosure laws and accusing the quasi-judicial agency of being too protective of information it deems "confidential" in violation of basic transparency rules.

  • March 27, 2025

    Trump Targets WilmerHale In 5th BigLaw Executive Order

    WilmerHale became the fifth large law firm to be on the receiving end of an executive order restricting its ability to practice law, with President Donald Trump on Thursday targeting the firm over its ties to former special counsel Robert Mueller as well as its immigration pro bono work and diversity practices.

  • March 27, 2025

    Illinois Atty Faces Indefinite Suspension For Ignoring Appeal

    A relatively new lawyer in Illinois who failed to meet appellate briefing deadlines and ignored an order to explain why should be suspended until the state high court can assess her fitness to practice, an attorney conduct watchdog panel recommended.  

  • March 27, 2025

    Fitch Even Sues Ex-IP Client In Effort To End Malpractice Case

    Fitch Even Tabin & Flannery LLP has launched a lawsuit asking an Illinois federal court to declare that the co-founder of a former client isn't the inventor behind a prenatal test patent, which the firm said would put a stop to a malpractice case against it in state court.

  • March 27, 2025

    Ex-Atty Ran $840M Tax Evasion Scheme, DOJ Says

    A former tax and real estate attorney ran a nationwide scheme that helped his customers avoid paying taxes on as much as $840 million in capital gains, the federal government told an Idaho federal court Thursday.

  • March 27, 2025

    Full 7th Circ. Urged To Review Law Prof's Retaliation Suit

    The full Seventh Circuit was asked on Thursday to revisit a panel's ruling reviving a retaliation claim from a law school professor at the University of Illinois in Chicago who was disciplined for including a redacted racist slur on an exam, saying the opinion "raises, without answering, questions of exceptional importance that will have sweeping implications for university officials."

  • March 27, 2025

    Texas IP Attys Get $60K Sanction For Unauthorized Practice

    A San Francisco federal magistrate judge has leveled more than $60,000 in personal sanctions against Texas intellectual property lawyer William Ramey III and two other attorneys from his high-volume patent firm, saying two of them practiced law without a California license in numerous cases to escape paying out-of-state admission fees of $328 per lawyer.

  • March 27, 2025

    Texas Law Firm Must Face 2nd Firm's Paxil Fees Suit

    A Texas appellate court affirmed Thursday that a law firm battling its former co-counsel over the proceeds of lawsuits concerning the antidepressant drug Paxil can't use the state's anti-SLAPP statute to avoid a breach of contract claim but tossed an award of $100,000 in attorney fees.

  • March 27, 2025

    Ex-Troutman Atty Says Racial Bias Suit Should Go To Trial

    A former Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP associate who says she was fired for calling out racial bias told a Washington, D.C., federal judge that the firm's own documents and testimony show it saw her as a valuable attorney, despite saying she was let go over performance.

  • March 27, 2025

    Dutch Software Co. Tells 4th Circ. To Pause Trial After Atty DQ

    A Dutch software company is taking another stab at delaying its impending trademark trial with an American rival, telling the Fourth Circuit that it should not be forced to proceed after the district court held one of its attorneys in contempt and essentially disqualified him.

  • March 27, 2025

    McCarter & English Faces DQ Bid In NJ Food Biz Dispute

    A food industry executive has asked a New Jersey federal court to remove McCarter & English LLP as counsel for his opponents in a business dispute, arguing that the firm previously represented him in negotiating the contract at issue.

Expert Analysis

  • How Attorneys Can Master The Art Of On-Camera Presence

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    As attorneys are increasingly presented with on-camera opportunities, they can adapt their traditional legal skills for video contexts — such as virtual client meetings, marketing content or media interviews — by understanding the medium and making intentional adjustments, says Kerry Barrett.

  • Series

    Baseball Fantasy Camp Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    With six baseball fantasy experiences under my belt, I've learned time and again that I didn't make the wrong career choice, but I've also learned that baseball lessons are life lessons, and I'm a better lawyer for my time at St. Louis Cardinals fantasy camp, says Scott Felder at Wiley.

  • Series

    Adapting To Private Practice: From Fed. Prosecutor To BigLaw

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    Making the jump from government to private practice is no small feat, but, based on my experience transitioning to a business-driven environment after 15 years as an assistant U.S. attorney, it can be incredibly rewarding and help you become a more versatile lawyer, says Michael Beckwith at Dickinson Wright.

  • Justices' False Statement Ruling Curbs Half-Truth Liability

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    The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent Thompson v. U.S. decision clarified that a federal statute used to prosecute false statements made to bank regulators only criminalizes outright falsehoods, narrowing prosecutors’ reach and providing defense counsel a stronger basis to challenge indictments of merely misleading statements, says Tamara de Silva at De Silva Law Offices.

  • Firms Still Have Lateral Market Advantage, But Risks Persist

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    Partner and associate mobility data from the fourth quarter of 2024 shows that we’re in a new, stable era of lateral hiring where firms have the edge, but leaders should proceed cautiously, looking beyond expected revenue and compensation analyses for potential risks, say Julie Henson and Greg Hamman at Decipher Investigative Intelligence.

  • Opinion

    We Must Allow Judges To Use Their Independent Judgment

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    As two recent cases show, the ability of judges to access their independent judgment crucially enables courts to exercise the discretion needed to reach the right outcome based on the unique facts within the law, says John Siffert at Lankler Siffert & Wohl.

  • Deportation Flights May End Up A Legal And Strategic Error

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    Officials in the Trump administration could face criminal contempt charges if a D.C. judge finds that they flouted his orders last weekend to halt deportation flights to El Salvador, which could ultimately make mass deportations more difficult — and proving noncompliance a self-defeating strategy, says Ethan Greenberg at Anderson Kill.

  • Series

    Performing Stand-Up Comedy Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    Whether I’m delivering a punchline on stage or a closing argument in court, balancing stand-up comedy performances and my legal career has demonstrated that the keys to success in both endeavors include reading the room, landing the right timing and making an impact, says attorney Rebecca Palmer.

  • Series

    Adapting To Private Practice: From SEC To BigLaw

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    As I adjusted to the multifaceted workflow of a BigLaw firm after leaving the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, working side by side with new colleagues on complex matters proved the fastest way to build a deep rapport and demonstrate my value, says Jennifer Lee at Jenner & Block.

  • Making The Case For Rest In The Legal Profession

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    For too long, a culture of overwork has plagued the legal profession, but research shows that attorneys need rest to perform optimally and sustainably, so legal organizations and individuals must implement strategies that allow for restoration, says Marissa Alert at MDA Wellness, Carol Ross-Burnett at CRB Global, and Denise Robinson at The Still Center.

  • 1st Circ. IMessage Ruling Illustrates Wire Fraud Circuit Split

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    The First Circuit’s recent decision that text messages exchanged wholly within Massachusetts but transmitted by the internet count as interstate commerce spotlights a split in how circuits interpret intrastate actions under the federal wire fraud statute, perhaps prompting U.S. Supreme Court review, say attorneys at ArentFox Schiff.

  • 4 Ways Women Attorneys Can Build A Legal Legacy

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    This Women’s History Month, women attorneys should consider what small, day-to-day actions they can take to help leave a lasting impact for future generations, even if it means mentoring one person or taking 10 minutes to make a plan, says Jackie Prester, a former shareholder at Baker Donelson.

  • Why A Rare SEC Dismissal May Not Reflect A New Approach

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    While the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's pending dismissal of its case against Silver Point is remarkable to the extent that it reflects a novel repudiation of a decision made during the prior commission, a deeper look suggests it may not represent a shift in policy approach, say attorneys at Weil.

  • A Judge's Pointers For Adding Spice To Dry Legal Writing

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    U.S. District Judge Fred Biery shares a few key lessons about how to go against the grain of the legal writing tradition by adding color to bland judicial opinions, such as by telling a human story and injecting literary devices where possible.

  • 9 Considerations For Orgs Using AI Meeting Assistants

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    When deciding to use artificial intelligence meeting assistants, organizations must create and implement a written corporate policy that establishes the do's and don'ts for these assistants, taking into account individualized business operations, industry standards and legal and regulatory requirements, say attorneys at Faegre Drinker.

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