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Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice
February 25, 2025
River Agency Says Harvey Flood Dispute Was Already Decided
A Texas river management agency urged a state appeals court Tuesday to shut down claims brought by dozens of residents whose properties were flooded by Hurricane Harvey, pointing to a separate appellate court decision that ended similar claims by many of the same people.
February 25, 2025
Couple, Biotech Co. Jointly Drop Lost Embryos Suit
A Charlotte couple and the biotechnology company they accused of making a defective oil used for the in vitro fertilization process came together to drop their dispute from North Carolina federal court, ending the prospective parents' wrongful death claims.
February 25, 2025
Purdue Gets Time To Document New $7.4B Ch. 11 Settlement
Counsel for bankrupt drugmaker Purdue Pharma received approval Tuesday for an extension of a mediation window during which litigation against nondebtors is paused after telling a New York judge that it has reached definitive terms on a new $7.4 billion settlement of opioid claims and needs time to finalize documentation surrounding the deal.
February 25, 2025
Gymnast's Estate Sues Conn. University Over Training Death
The estate of a 20-year-old gymnast who suffered a fatal head injury during a training exercise in 2019 has filed a wrongful death suit against Southern Connecticut State University and the former coach of its women's gymnastics team.
February 25, 2025
Family Of Wife Killed By Ex-BigLaw Atty Still Fighting For Funds
The cousins of the woman killed by her former BigLaw partner husband urged a Georgia state court to reject a bid to deprive them of the settlement proceeds from the underlying wrongful death suit, saying the court shouldn't rely on the ex-lawyer's assertions that she wanted the funds to go to her godson.
February 25, 2025
Lawyer Who Became Client's 'Punching Bag' Scores Case Exit
A Connecticut attorney who claimed he became his Massachusetts client's "punching bag" can exit her medical negligence lawsuit against two doctors accused of misplacing or destroying her embryos, a Milford judge ruled Tuesday.
February 25, 2025
Union Pacific Cleared In Pedestrian's Injury Suit
A California jury found Tuesday that Union Pacific Railroad Co. was not liable for an injury to a man who was walking along its railroad tracks.
February 25, 2025
8th Circ. Says Mo. Law Bars $60M Asbestos Coverage Suit
An Eighth Circuit appeals panel affirmed that an insurer could not make arguments in Missouri federal court regarding payment of over $60 million for asbestos litigation because it had been battling its insured "for years" over the same issues in state court.
February 25, 2025
10th Circ. Asked To Rethink Denying Atty's Racing Deductions
A Denver personal injury lawyer asked the Tenth Circuit to reconsider its decision barring his $300,000 tax deduction for car-racing costs as professional advertising, saying the court deprived him of due process in dismissing his argument that the IRS wrongly denied him a chance to settle.
February 24, 2025
'It Was An Accident': Judge Denies Shooting Wife On Purpose
A California judge who shot his wife to death in their living room following an argument took the stand in his murder trial Monday, fighting hard to maintain his composure while explaining to jurors that his Glock discharged accidentally when he tried to set it down on the coffee table.
February 24, 2025
Injury Attys Sanctioned Over AI-Hallucinated Case Citations
A Wyoming federal judge overseeing a personal injury lawsuit against Walmart sanctioned the plaintiffs' attorneys from Morgan & Morgan PA and the Goody Law Group after they filed pretrial motions containing case law hallucinated by artificial intelligence, but acknowledged Monday their "remedial steps, transparency and apologetic sentiments."
February 24, 2025
Union Pacific Says Pedestrian Was In The Wrong In Crash Suit
Lawyers for a pedestrian allegedly hit by a Union Pacific train told a jury in closing arguments Monday that the engineer wasn't paying enough attention to the tracks ahead, while the rail giant's lawyers said the man should not have been there.
February 24, 2025
Insurer Won't Have To Cover Sports CEO's Child Sex Suits
An insurance company doesn't have to defend the former leader of a sports equipment company against allegations of sexual assault against minors, a Washington federal court said Monday, making final an earlier ruling that said the policies offered no conceivable coverage.
February 24, 2025
Ill. Court Clears Holiday Inn In Suit Over Migrant's Suicide
A Chicago-area Holiday Inn that housed several migrants from Venezuela was properly cut loose from a wrongful death suit over a migrant's suicide, an Illinois appeals court ruled Monday, saying the hotel did not enable the suicide by leaving a rope in a stairwell.
February 24, 2025
Weight-Loss Spa's 'Sauna Pod' Caused Severe Burns, Suit Says
A Pittsburgh-area woman claims that an infrared "sauna pod" at a weight-loss spa burned her, leaving permanent scarring and disfigurement, according to a lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania state court Monday that seeks to hold the Chinese manufacturer liable.
February 24, 2025
Norfolk Southern's Tank Car Co. Liability Claims Head To Trial
An Ohio federal judge said that Norfolk Southern can pursue its claims seeking to have tank car companies pay at least some of the damages over 2023's East Palestine derailment, teeing up for trial key questions of liability concerning the tank cars' maintenance and transport of toxic chemicals.
February 24, 2025
Insurer Needn't Cover Hospital's $2.5M Virus Vax Probe Costs
A Chubb unit has no obligation to pay an Illinois hospital for $2.5 million in legal costs associated with responding to federal and state probes into its COVID-19 vaccine distribution program, a federal court ruled, finding that the policy's $1 million regulatory claims sublimit applies.
February 24, 2025
Wellpath Delays Chapter 11 Exit To Buy Time For Creditor Deal
Wellpath will delay confirmation of its Chapter 11 plan by two weeks to buy time to work through objections to the reorganization of its prison healthcare business, attorneys told a Texas bankruptcy judge Monday.
February 24, 2025
Purdue's New Ch. 11 Plan Sidesteps Nonconsensual Releases
Mediators helping to craft a new settlement in the case of bankrupt OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma LP said in their latest update in New York bankruptcy court that the company's revised deal does not contain nonconsensual third-party waivers.
February 24, 2025
Gaudreau Brothers' Widows Settle Civil Suits Over Fatal Crash
The widows of professional hockey players Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau have reached settlements in their wrongful death lawsuits against Sean Higgins, the driver accused of fatally striking the brothers while they were bicycling in Oldmans Township, New Jersey, in August.
February 24, 2025
Ga. Sports Bar Escapes Liability For Drunken Fatal Crash
The Georgia Court of Appeals has released a sports bar from liability in two suits over a fatal crash allegedly caused by a soldier who was driving drunk, ruling Monday that the bar had no way of foreseeing that the soldier would get behind the wheel after he returned home from a night out.
February 24, 2025
Conn. Solo Wants Willkie Partner's $27K Fee Bid Slashed
A Connecticut solo practitioner who lost a First Amendment lawsuit after leaking a Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP's partner's landlord-tenant dispute to the New York Post on Monday criticized the partner's bid to recoup his legal fees, arguing $8,250 is more reasonable than his current $27,000 demand.
February 24, 2025
Boehringer Ingelheim Wins Illinois Zantac Cancer Retrial
An Illinois state jury swiftly sided with Boehringer Ingelheim on Monday over two men's claims that taking the company's over-the-counter Zantac for decades contributed to their prostate cancer diagnoses, handing each of the men a trial loss after juries in their previous trials had deadlocked.
February 24, 2025
Shooting Victim Blames Nursing Home For Lack Of Security
A Pennsylvania man who was robbed and shot while visiting his brother at a Pittsburgh nursing home last November has filed a lawsuit against the facility in state court, claiming the company falsely represented that it was safe and secure.
February 24, 2025
Supreme Court Won't Revisit Contentious Feres Doctrine
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected a former Air National Guard reservist's suit seeking damages for a military hospital surgery that left him paralyzed, declining to revisit a doctrine barring injury claims considered "incident to" military service.
Expert Analysis
Presidential Campaign Errors Provide Lessons For Trial Attys
Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign employed numerous strategies that evidently didn’t land, and trial attorneys should take note, because voters and jurors are both decision-makers who are listening for how one’s case presentation would affect them personally, says Reuben Guttman at Guttman Buschner.
In Terror Case, DC Circ. Must Weigh Justices' Twitter Ruling
When the D.C. Circuit hears oral argument in AstraZeneca UK v. Atchley, how the court interprets the U.S. Supreme Court's 2023 ruling in Twitter v. Taamneh will have a significant impact on future claims brought under the Anti-Terrorism Act and Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, say attorneys at Lewis Baach.
Being A Navy Reservist Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Serving this country in uniform has not only been one of the greatest honors of my life, but it has also provided me with opportunities to broaden my legal acumen and interpersonal skills in ways that have indelibly contributed to my civilian practice, says Phillip Smith at Weinberg Wheeler.
So You Want To Move Your Law Practice To Canada, Eh?
Google searches for how to move to Canada have surged in the wake of the U.S. presidential election, and if you’re an attorney considering a move to the Great White North, you’ll need to understand how the practice of law differs across the border, says David Postel at Henein Hutchison.
3 Policyholder Lessons From NY Bad Faith Ruling
A New York appellate court's recent decision finding that Rockefeller University alleged viable bad faith claims against its insurers reinforces the principle that insurers may not elevate their own economic interests over those of their insureds, say attorneys at Lowenstein Sandler.
Justices Must Weigh Reach Of Civil RICO In Cannabis Case
Oral arguments in Medical Marijuana Inc. v. Horn suggest that a majority of the U.S. Supreme Court may agree that a truck driver's losing his job after unknowingly ingesting THC and failing a drug test does not merit a racketeering claim — but the court may not buy the other side's theory of the case either, say attorneys at Lewis Baach.
Promoting Diversity In The Selection Of ADR Neutrals
Excerpt from Practical Guidance
Choosing neutrals from diverse backgrounds is an important step in promoting inclusion in the legal profession, and it can enhance the legitimacy and public perception of alternative dispute resolution proceedings, say attorneys at Lowenstein Sandler.
Playing Ultimate Makes Us Better Lawyers
In addition to being fun, ultimate Frisbee has improved our legal careers by emphasizing the importance of professionalism, teamwork, perseverance, enthusiasm and vulnerability, say Arunabha Bhoumik and Adam Bernstein at Regeneron.
High Court 'Violent Crimes' Case Tangled Up In Hypotheticals
In Delligatti v. U.S., the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments next week on whether attempted murder constitutes a crime of violence, and because the court’s interpretive approach thus far has relied on hairsplitting legal hypotheticals with absurd results, Congress should repeal the underlying statute, say attorneys at Patterson Belknap.
E-Discovery Quarterly: Recent Rulings On Metadata
Several recent rulings reflect the competing considerations that arise when parties dispute the form of production for electronically stored information, underscoring that counsel must carefully consider how to produce and request reasonably usable data, say attorneys at Sidley.
2nd Circ. Maxwell Ruling Adds To Confusion Over NPA Reach
The Second Circuit’s recent decision upholding Ghislaine Maxwell’s conviction made an analytical leap in applying plea agreement precedent to a nonprosecution agreement, compounding a circuit split and providing lessons for defense counsel, say attorneys at Kropf Moseley.
Striking A Balance Between AI Use And Attorney Well-Being
As the legal industry increasingly adopts generative artificial intelligence tools to boost efficiency, leaders must note the hidden costs of increased productivity, and work to protect attorneys’ well-being while unlocking AI’s full potential, says Ed Sohn at Factor.
A Novel Expansion Of Alien Tort Statute In 9th Circ.
The Ninth Circuit's Doe v. Cisco rehearing denial allows a new invocation of the Alien Tort Statute to proceed, which could capture the U.S. Supreme Court's attention, and has potentially dramatic consequences for U.S. companies doing business with foreign governments, say attorneys at Ropes & Gray.
Empathy In Mediation Offers A Soft Landing For Disputes
Experiencing a crash-landing on a recent flight underscored to me how much difference empathy makes in times of crisis or stress, including during mediation, says Eydith Kaufman at Alternative Resolution Centers.
Being An Artist Makes Me A Better Lawyer
My work as an artist has highlighted how using creativity and precision together — qualities that are equally essential in both art and law — not only improves outcomes, but also leads to more innovative and thoughtful work, says Sarah La Pearl at Segal McCambridge.